Siren said:As far as foreign languages are concerned though, i have a dream, to learn swedish.. can you give me any advice of how to start off, and how can i find a teacher in this place?
Siren (akou ekei phallic.. pou einai to myalo sou???)
Northern Lights said:Since dreams seem to be the topic... just my random babbling about it:
Why is it that every time I dream of someone (male) in my surrounding, they manage to get under my skin? Like tonight I had a dream where this guy I know played the main part... I've been slightly interested in him before, but that interest kinda died and that was just as well... And now that I've dreamed of him I've been so aware of everything he says and does, all day. It's like he's always there in the back of my head and I'm almost forced to keep an eye on him all the time. Gah! It's annoying! I don't want to like him and now I gotta spend a few days trying to get him out of my head, provided I don't dream about him yet again...
But then again the majority of my dreams are really weird.
rahvin said:don't you think that in a way that might be something you can "share" with this guy - aside from providing you with an awesome pick-up line previously used only by therapy?: "i can see you in my dreams"- next time you see him and find yourself aware of what he's doing.
i know, i know, that's how all obsessions begin. but then again, life is boring without any, so you might as well give it a try and indulge this fantasy a bit...
Northern Lights said:I'm afraid it wouldn't work; although I don't know him that well, I know enough about him to be fairly sure he would freak out if I shared anything like that with him
nah... better to try and brainwash myself then, because once started, my obsessions tend to last very long and drain me of a lot of energy![]()
my site? funny I didn't know I had one...rahvin said:actually, after seeing your site i'm tempted to take back most of what i said, on account of your habits and friendships being way too much on the satanic side to appeal most random dream-guys.
so please: don't scare the living shit out of your new obsession. while this would certainly make for an entirely new approach - at least for me - towards obsessions, i have the feeling it might turn against you at some point.
Northern Lights said:my site? funny I didn't know I had one...and it's satanic too?
oh but believe me I try not to scare people, the only time I do so is when I tell them of my dreams... hmm!
but hey, the art of intimidation, I bet that has never been tried before. I remember getting an email in which it said "you can't make someone love you, all you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in". There might just be some truth to that![]()
rahvin said:i followed the link in your signature. i do that with everybody's links because i'm either a very self-conscious moderator or a schizoid freak.
and yes, it's soooo satanic i had to hug my teddy very tight all throughout navigating it.he clicked on the inner links for me since i was too scared.
so we've already seen the worst?
one of my ex's tried that after i dumped her. plus another girl got obsessed with me and was found haunting my doorsteps. of course one of them was raving mad, while the other was just obnoxious. you can choose which was what.but i didn't give in, see? it doesn't work.
Northern Lights said:but... forgive me for being a technical idiot, but where's that link? cuz I could swear I don't have one anywhere...the only site I would have to put up is my record collection, and that in itself is scary enough (Röyksopp!) but... it isn't there
forgive me, but I am only a servant of my master...rahvin said:now everybody will think i'm a visionaire! damn you and your demonic tricks!
Northern Lights said:forgive me, but I am only a servant of my master...![]()