Strange once more.
@Reason number one: I won't deny an obvious self-centered interest when chatting with someone, the so-called selective interest. And there's another remarkable phenomenon: the lack of interest in something more than those stuff we want to hear, which is usually supporting our own ideas. That brings us to the pretty known layout in conversations: we listen each other time enough to think about the stuff we're preparing to say next. To know how to listen and find out interesting information even from the silence is nearly an art.
And, unfortunately, I can't speak so well about the mankind either, that humanity that does its best effort to "display a lack of intelligence" constantly. However, the same virus who attacks the standard human mind is present in the posts above. ¿Shall we wait for the other mind to catch our interest? ¿Shall we wait for that similar "code" to start chatting? When you're proud of your intelligence, and it is actually worthy of that pride, you own a power that requires and demands responsibility. I am the first one who feels outcast and alone due to my "differences" with the rest of the world, but these differences make me reckon about the situation we're living in this age of rootless alienated people, and, in a process of humbleness, I try to fight against that virus at the same level the rest of the world shows, listening carefully and trying to learn from it. Of course, that doesn't imply to shut up those things I want to say, neither a change of behaviour by my side, nor a clear disrespect towards the fool I'm probably talking to. Because I am, in my own scale, a fool with zillions of things to learn, the difference is simply a change of scales, the rest of the world has different aspirations. On the other hand, everything can change.
@Reason number two: The fact that "most terminals are stupid terminals" doesn't means necessarily that every terminal is a stupid terminal. Otherwise, that statement would be a logical lie or a factious sentence. On the other hand, a stupid terminal, according with the relativity in scales aforementioned, might become a wise terminal with a bit of help, support and encouragement. Once more, that doesn't mean that you're the mother Teresa and consequently enforced to help everyone in your way. It's a matter of respect and will to change the things that apparently are uncomfortable and senseless.
In conclusion, even if we're living in a world who has no interest toward awakened minds, those minds ought to use their power to show a different state of conciousness, and act consequently. If you're an adult mind living between childish terminals, well, choose the way and roll the dices.
|ngenius (Who uses a binary code, is it worth?)
@Reason number one: I won't deny an obvious self-centered interest when chatting with someone, the so-called selective interest. And there's another remarkable phenomenon: the lack of interest in something more than those stuff we want to hear, which is usually supporting our own ideas. That brings us to the pretty known layout in conversations: we listen each other time enough to think about the stuff we're preparing to say next. To know how to listen and find out interesting information even from the silence is nearly an art.
And, unfortunately, I can't speak so well about the mankind either, that humanity that does its best effort to "display a lack of intelligence" constantly. However, the same virus who attacks the standard human mind is present in the posts above. ¿Shall we wait for the other mind to catch our interest? ¿Shall we wait for that similar "code" to start chatting? When you're proud of your intelligence, and it is actually worthy of that pride, you own a power that requires and demands responsibility. I am the first one who feels outcast and alone due to my "differences" with the rest of the world, but these differences make me reckon about the situation we're living in this age of rootless alienated people, and, in a process of humbleness, I try to fight against that virus at the same level the rest of the world shows, listening carefully and trying to learn from it. Of course, that doesn't imply to shut up those things I want to say, neither a change of behaviour by my side, nor a clear disrespect towards the fool I'm probably talking to. Because I am, in my own scale, a fool with zillions of things to learn, the difference is simply a change of scales, the rest of the world has different aspirations. On the other hand, everything can change.

@Reason number two: The fact that "most terminals are stupid terminals" doesn't means necessarily that every terminal is a stupid terminal. Otherwise, that statement would be a logical lie or a factious sentence. On the other hand, a stupid terminal, according with the relativity in scales aforementioned, might become a wise terminal with a bit of help, support and encouragement. Once more, that doesn't mean that you're the mother Teresa and consequently enforced to help everyone in your way. It's a matter of respect and will to change the things that apparently are uncomfortable and senseless.
In conclusion, even if we're living in a world who has no interest toward awakened minds, those minds ought to use their power to show a different state of conciousness, and act consequently. If you're an adult mind living between childish terminals, well, choose the way and roll the dices.

|ngenius (Who uses a binary code, is it worth?)