We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Strange once more.

@Reason number one: I won't deny an obvious self-centered interest when chatting with someone, the so-called selective interest. And there's another remarkable phenomenon: the lack of interest in something more than those stuff we want to hear, which is usually supporting our own ideas. That brings us to the pretty known layout in conversations: we listen each other time enough to think about the stuff we're preparing to say next. To know how to listen and find out interesting information even from the silence is nearly an art.

And, unfortunately, I can't speak so well about the mankind either, that humanity that does its best effort to "display a lack of intelligence" constantly. However, the same virus who attacks the standard human mind is present in the posts above. ¿Shall we wait for the other mind to catch our interest? ¿Shall we wait for that similar "code" to start chatting? When you're proud of your intelligence, and it is actually worthy of that pride, you own a power that requires and demands responsibility. I am the first one who feels outcast and alone due to my "differences" with the rest of the world, but these differences make me reckon about the situation we're living in this age of rootless alienated people, and, in a process of humbleness, I try to fight against that virus at the same level the rest of the world shows, listening carefully and trying to learn from it. Of course, that doesn't imply to shut up those things I want to say, neither a change of behaviour by my side, nor a clear disrespect towards the fool I'm probably talking to. Because I am, in my own scale, a fool with zillions of things to learn, the difference is simply a change of scales, the rest of the world has different aspirations. On the other hand, everything can change. ;)

@Reason number two: The fact that "most terminals are stupid terminals" doesn't means necessarily that every terminal is a stupid terminal. Otherwise, that statement would be a logical lie or a factious sentence. On the other hand, a stupid terminal, according with the relativity in scales aforementioned, might become a wise terminal with a bit of help, support and encouragement. Once more, that doesn't mean that you're the mother Teresa and consequently enforced to help everyone in your way. It's a matter of respect and will to change the things that apparently are uncomfortable and senseless.

In conclusion, even if we're living in a world who has no interest toward awakened minds, those minds ought to use their power to show a different state of conciousness, and act consequently. If you're an adult mind living between childish terminals, well, choose the way and roll the dices. :D

|ngenius (Who uses a binary code, is it worth?)

- reason 1: i can chat with people showing any code, or no code at all, allright. i often do just that here on um: decent communication is often established between me and various kinds of eclectic people. usually they don't instantly see me as a menace, as a treacherous dwarf, as an unconsiderate person, as an insensitive human being.
and that is just as well, because i'm pretty sure i'm not (except for the part about the dwarf). :)
however, the further one meanders on the beaten path of human relations, the higher chance there is that our peculiar rules and code of conduct get in the way, since - i admit it freely - i'm often ill-disposed towards those who might want me to change it instead of understand and accepting my code at first glance. this is because - despite being sensitive and caring - i'm also egotistical and mentally assertive, which is to say it takes the gods from heavens above (or hyena ;)) to make me accept i'm wrong.
when i measure the benefits of my attitude against its failures, i might get depressed because a lot of not-necessarily-stupid people just stop talking to me for what i see as no reason at all. on the other hand, i don't think i want to just give in and try an actual strategy to fit in the (pretty distorted) view of the world some individuals have.
you preach listening, and i assure you i listen to what people tell me. but when i'm done listening it's just not my personality to be condescending. hyena is way better than me at this, because she can just... momentarily separate what needs saying from what can wait for the times when the situation is more favorable. this is a skill i never mastered (or even got an expertise in), 'cause i really can't push to the back of my mind my dislike for something or other, my need to point out the occasional mistake or stupidity.
i know i'm often wrong and stupid too, but i tend not to start ignoring all of a sudden those who tell me so, if they do with a cause and for reasons other than make me feel bad.

- reason 2: of course there's also some very intelligent terminals around. i think i'm investing my time in a more productive way if i look for them instead of trying to teach to the "unenlightened". also, this is because the unenlightened just stop me somewhere around mail nr. 1 and refuse to even hear my comments. :)

Thats the way you chose and you're rolling your dices, advancing, learning and assuming the consequences your decision brings. We're descending to a particular case, but you did agree with the stuff I said.

I'm not that skilled at diplomacy either. I say everything that crosses my mind, straightforward. A naive, gullible robot, perhaps, but that makes me feel proud. I understand you so well, trust me.

ah, how sweet to my eyes is this praise coming from my loved one :) thanks, o yellow dwarf.

i will disclose my secret to the world: it's not just about momentarily separating etc., it's mainly about not being involved. i want people to speak to understand what makes them tick, and most times it doesn't even cross my mind that i could relate in a way different to, say, helping them to sort their troubles out. i mainly try to be unaffected in the intimate sense: they might get my attention, they might get a favorable treatment, but they're coming nowhere near, since anyway i cannot open.

h (i've seen my dreams burnt before my eyes)
@hyena: this is again very true. today i'm basking in truth. :)
and yes, that's one other thing that i cannot do. i always take it personal, i always put my damned self way deep inside the situation and just start saying things because they matter to me and it matters to me to drive my point across.

today i'm, um, doing nothing :)
it's a beautiful day outside and i'm still recovering from my touring experience. so what i can tell you is: taking stuff personally should be reserved for the very few times when you come into contact with people that could well revolutionize your way of thinking. seeing how it is incredibly hard to even get in touch with those, you might just want to forget it, relax, and play some nice records. :)

guys no matter how stupid a terminal is...what matters is that if that terminal ceases their treatment with any of us, then it's simply because we don't worth for him, no matter how stupid or slow his brain might seem...
So i think that it's stupid taking the point from what WE do in order for them to ignore us, but no to the point from what DON'T we give to that person for them to ignore us...

I think, most probably, the question your answers have been to try is "why do I feel that the rest of the world is not that interesting?" but once again...it's up to two

fv (stupid receiver)
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amused by in between song banter, grunts, and growls, etc. by male members of crowds at local bands' shows.



a lot of them are band guys themselves. :D
Confucius say,

* Man who fart in church must sit in his own pew.
* Man who fly airplane upside-down bound to have crack up.
* Wife who puts man in dog house may find him in cat house. ( :lol: )
* Virgin like balloon — one prick, all gone.
* Girl who have red hair have red hair, by cracky.
* Man who lays girl on hillside is not on the level.
* Man who lays girl in field gets piece on earth.
* Man who stand on toilet is high on pot
* Man who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok.
* Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time.
* Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.
* Baseball got it all wrong — man with four balls cannot walk.
* Man who marries girl with no bust have right to feel low down.
* Boy who goes to bed with sex problem wake up with solution in hand.

-rh (insolent, slumber-deprived)
@rahvin: please delete the thread i posted yesterday. i tried to do so myself but probably there are rules i do not recall preventing me to do so. i am sickened by the lack of interest - i thought this was a community where people try to help each other, but i discover that when i need help to sort out some conceptual issue everyone runs and hides, except you of course, but i expected no less. i only have two explanations for the phenomenon: either people on here are total dimwits who can't keep their attention on issues different from animal molesting, or they don't give a damn about giving me some advice. disgust flows and ripples at both hypotheses. pray, throw away the testimony of such an embarassing situation. i will be keeping what you said in my memory, so as not to waste your ever gracious effort.

hyena,please calm down a bit :)

i'm sorry about your thread and I understand your frustration,but also please try to control your reactions a bit.... I guess there are more than 2 explanations on the phenomenon...I don't want to believe that people here don't give a damn about giving you some advice or that they are so close-minded or sth.... Maybe some people lack time,maybe some other missed the beginning of the thread and now it has become to long,maybe even the matter was not their cup of tea.Not all people like this kind of philosophy or maybe they can't even have a discussion/debate/whatever on that,thing which doesn't necessarily mean their are total dimwits as you put it. Every person is somehow different,has different interests and for that reason is able to discuss several matters,while for others is unable to utter a single opinion
Perhaps you should be a bit more patient,or at least not so provocative....

I know your post regarding the deleting of this thread wasn't addressed to me,but i felt like speaking my mind.Of course you can have your thread deleted,but hey don't take it so personally if people don't reply... It doesn't mean that we/they don't give a damn about giving you some advice.....

personally speaking,i'd like to read this thread,i've read a bit,but i don't have much time at all lately....Yet i doubt i'd have sth interesting to write,since 99% percent of my ideas are just useless ranting and the rest boring psychocrap...

uff,i'm rambling on...whatever..... what i was trying to say that maybe things are not so bad

~mel~ (um_psycho :loco: )
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@mel: 10 replies wasn't so long a thread to challenge anybody's attention span i guess, especially since the first post was the only one strictly needed in order for people to comment on topic.
while i agree that the number of explanation can be higher, i understand hyena's concerns: everybody's rushing to say sweet nothings about sex with animals while noone takes the time to come up with something original as soon as the topic is slightly less popular.
when it comes to the quality of the postings i can either do my part or just be a spectator, but it's threads like hyena's that improve the quality of this place and help it rise above mere "today i'm feeling my nuts" level, which is by the way an abysmal level most of you seem to dread, at least judging from the complaints that are hitting my mailbox most often.

rahvin@ :) i partly agree with your post and above all with the argument that threads like the discussed one improve the quality of this place...I didn't question its quality nor suggested that the rest of the threads are better...Moreover, understand and respect her frustration.... My only objection was the way it was expressed and in fact this is what i tired to point out in my previous post.....
anyway, i also recognize that when one is annoyed about sth can express oneself with sharp words...

@Rahvin: You know so well that there are several smart, cultured and intelligent fellows like Villain, FatherVic, Vulture_Culture and so on (if you're not in the list, I've probably forgotten you, don't blame me ;) ). And no one of them post here regularly. Since I am not that smart, cultured or even a bit intelligent at all, I can't compete with anyone of them, not even talk about the reason why that thread is falling into oblivion. Possibly they haven't time enough, or maybe they're so worried with problems they don't explain here, I don't actually know.

Personally, I was interested on hyena's thread, I started browsing it yesterday night, but I had to prepare something to work today and I left it to come back when possible. And I was interested not merely because she's in need of opinions to solve her problem, but because it's a challenge to me to reckon and write in english to improve. Of course, whereas I am just a fool.

To be honest, you're going too far on this. I noticed a strange behaviour on hyena's side. And, blame me if you want to, in my opinion the request to delete the thread is childish. No one knows about the success of a thread when you start it, because it depends directly on the rest of the fellows. There is a big amount of reasons to need time to read such a long thread.

|ngenius (Sincere)
@|ngenius: to summarize, you're saying people are either way too busy to mind any thread or they just dick around. that's ok. i'm often busy and god help us if i don't dick around. still it seems everybody's quite the busy bee when we're discussing plato while they have just time enough to comment on porn.
of course i'm not going to discuss or comment on anybody's specific intelligence level, because who am i to judge? i merely pointed out there's an awful lot of people around here deprecating trivial or spam threads when they come up, and none o' them posted on hyena's non-trivial, non-spam thread in almost 24 hours.

as for hyena's request of having her thread removed being childish now, i'm sorry but i find it ludicrous. first of all it's a well-known rule that anybody can have his/her own thread deleted if the majority of those who posted agree. in the case of hyena's thread, that wasn't a particularly hard quantity to achieve. secondly, it seems overly clear to me she was hurt by the lack of response and didn't want to share her views with the public anymore. you call this childish, i call you insentitive. if you had posted about something that meant a lot to you and later decided to take it back on account of any kind of intimistic second-thought, nobody would have called it childish because it'd be apparent yours were the emotions that mattered on the subject.
now that hyena's doing the same, god forbid she's granted the benefit of doubt of feeling hurt. no, she's being childish.

@Rahvin: With all my respect, you know I actually appreciate you, but you're still going too far on this. You're smart, think about this: to reply to, let's say, a porn thread it's just necessary to read the last post and reply the most useless thing that you catch crossing your mind. To reply to hyena's one is necessary to come in touch with the depht of the text, and it's necessary to read the next posts where you express an opinion no one will skip, in order to maintain certain logic when replying. In my case, it was actually an effort.

As for my not that accurate label "childish", I don't mean that she's not able to use her right to do whatever she wants with a personal and touching stuff, of course. I wrote a lot of touching personal stuff in the past and I understand the right to manage your own privacity. It was just my subjective opinion, because I posted some of my fears, my feelings and my dreams here because I trust some people around here, and they (you included) diserve my affection. And that fact doesn't enforce them to reply to every post, every thread or even attend to every need I show.

@Hyena: Of course, if you let me read it when I have free time to, I will. But it's obviously your decision. You diserve exactly the same attention that everyone diserve.

@Mel: I do agree with you more than simply partially ;) Thanks, your opinion is appreciated. Good luck with those exams, and good luck in your little adventure. My best wishes, troll. :D
