We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Originally posted by ShadowLioness
Dreams....I am to the point where I look to my dreams to find answers to the things I cannot decide on my own in the waking world...so far I have come up empty:( .

there might be better ways to self-analysis. have you tried talking with a friend when drunk?

Originally posted by rahvin
there might be better ways to self-analysis. have you tried talking with a friend when drunk?


Absolutely...both drunk AND sober;) . I must apologize...I was in quite the state of melancholy when I wrote that post. I made my decision last night and am in much better spirits today:) .
@shadowlioness: there's no need to apologize, it's a good thing that this place might be used as an outlet when someone is feeling... peculiar. ;) and i'm happy you feel better, anyway.

@ShadowLioness: Sure, the melancholy has fed this thread like a kind of dream as well. Nightmares are the dark side of our dreams.

It's quite common to seek for a concrete significant meaning in all those touching dreams our nights are stained of from time to time. Even when the imagery that appears in a shapeless mess is not a vision destined to give us defined answers, they can enforce us to look the things to the eye and start a reckoning process in order to find solutions,decisions or answers. Try to take profit from your own subconsciousness.

|ngenius (Welcome to the dreamland)
@rhavin; Many thank you's. :D UM has brought many good things my way over the last year...funny how things work out that way.

@lngenius: Thanks for the insight. I learned to listen to my subconscious instead of trying to fight it:D .
bah, i've been trying to call an old friend to meet him, but his phone has an avery or whatever and I can't reach him...so you damned robot, call me or send me an email with your mobile phone or whatever.... :rolleyes:

fv (blah ;) )
@FatherVic: Considering you're writting that here, I assume you're mid-joking... In any case, you know my home phone is always working properly, my cellphone can record your voice messages and there are several ways to contact me. Of course, even when it's my pleasure to meet you, I can't be able 24/365 for if you have a couple of free hours to meet, you know. It's not a try to make you feel bad, it's simply an objective statement, I assure you. ;)

|ngenius (Straightforward)
Originally posted by Thanatos
Nobody from UM ever calls me on the phone, except one person...:(

then spread your phonenumber here and the number of people calling you might arise...try also in the hate pit for advanced fun ;)

fathervic (who receives phonecalls and never ask if they're from UM or not)
Thanatos@and who is that person if we may ask? ;)

FV's idea was quite chupi,but it can also bring trouble upon you....
imagine if ___ (insert your "beloved" poster's nick here) called you :p

~mel~ (ring ring)
@Mel: someone from this continent (don't smile like that, it is just a friend :D ) and yeah I was bitching about other someone I'd wish to call :rolleyes:

Que son los arouses, algo español? y lo siento pero casi no como picante :eek:
My beloved husband i know you'd love me to call but don't forget you never gave me your number. :p