It's probably common that journalists copy the album to friends that they really trust. Just meant that a "leak" in the usual sense of the word - the music speading fast as a shark on the P2P networks and being available to everyone - hasn't happened yet.
No idea what particular watermarking method C.M. uses, but I'm guessing it's somehow encoded in the audio and not just metadata info. I thought that the process was the same as in image watermarking, i.e. that the info still would be traceable even if the original is converted or has been ran through filters, but there probably are ways of bypassing it.
There are no physical CD promos at all, just downloads (as far as I know).
No idea what particular watermarking method C.M. uses, but I'm guessing it's somehow encoded in the audio and not just metadata info. I thought that the process was the same as in image watermarking, i.e. that the info still would be traceable even if the original is converted or has been ran through filters, but there probably are ways of bypassing it.
There are no physical CD promos at all, just downloads (as far as I know).