We Are The Void

So i heard that the album was either recorded at or mixed down to 192Kb, which is odd since most albums in metal are done at 320 now. Just wondering if anyone knew if that was true or not????
So are you referring to the sound quality of the leaked version? I have read it's just a poor quality transcode so I wouldn't start to criticize the production because some mp3-version sounds bad.
What you are talking about is mp3 resolution. All albums are released in 44,1khz and 16 bit. We use 24 bit when we work with the material for higher effect resolutions. We really don´t have any control over what the quality of the material leaking to the internet is - unfortunately.

Yes, just like the songs uploaded to MySpace, leaked ones have horrible quality. I listened to one and thought the quality was even worse than MySpace to be honest. Heck, the quality was so horrible I didn't even listened to the track completely. (Of course, also due to it being a leak.)
Well now people are talking about the album I guess I'm allowed to do too.
True the sound of the mp3s is crappy but yeah that's not due to the album's production. I'm sure the actual product will sound a gazillion times better.
For me this album sounds like a mixture of "Fiction" and the album that "Haven" should've been imo.
I dig it and can't wait to buy the CD/DVD edition.
Yes, I had the same thing with A Sense Of Purpose 2 years ago. I downloaded it before my pre-ordered CD arrived, and forgot to swap some songs on my iPod for the CD ones, and compared to the other ones, the sound quality really was horrible, you could really hear a difference. But is there a leak already? And I thought that the watermarking worked so good?

Btw: ::.:martinb, are you THE Martin B? :D
Well now people are talking about the album I guess I'm allowed to do too.

Also, if you want to discuss the new songs at length before the release date, please put some kind of spoiler tag because I know not everybody likes to be spoilered. This does not apply to quick comments or links to reviews elsewhere on the internet, since those who click links should be prepared to face whatever comes next. ;)

Btw: ::.:martinb, are you THE Martin B? :D

He is. :)
But isnt it true that the more you tamper with a file during mixing the more the resolution with actually deter?


the bit depth and sample rate is set by the hardware when recording and is maintained during mixing (obviously due to suit the recorded files).

when mixing 2 complex wave forms (i.e. music/real world sound), you just create another complex wave form as a sum of the 2.
there is no degredation of the sample rate or bit depth as it is always constantly maintained until mixdown/mastering.

obviously the higher the bit depth/sample rate, the higher quality the original recording will be (which is also dependant on a number of factors, i.e. musician, microphones/placement, and other gear used).

and mp3 bit rate is just how much compression has been applied to the original file.
different completely to bit depth/sample rates of recording.
Anyone who downloads the WATV cd is nothing but a thief
DT spends much time and effort to record new music
and just because some jack ass posts it, does not mean you go and take it
Some of you so called DT fans are nothing but a bunch of self centered jerks
Support the band, don't steal from them -
Anyone who downloads the WATV cd is nothing but a thief
DT spends much time and effort to record new music
and just because some jack ass posts it, does not mean you go and take it
Some of you so called DT fans are nothing but a bunch of self centered jerks
Support the band, don't steal from them -

...mucho agreement. I today finally got to hear it all the way through via my cousin who works for some music magazine that came across a promo copy..he came over and let me give it one whole spin then took it....the bastard. It was good though....really good.
Anyone who downloads the WATV cd is nothing but a thief
DT spends much time and effort to record new music
and just because some jack ass posts it, does not mean you go and take it
Some of you so called DT fans are nothing but a bunch of self centered jerks
Support the band, don't steal from them -

Personally I would change that to "Anyone who downloads the WATV cd in place of actually purchasing it is nothing but a thief."

I've downloaded and listened to the album, but I have every intention of purchasing it... twice, actually (the regular release and the Limited Edition Digipack).

Also, the album is unbelievable awesome. Buy the crap out of it people; DT deserves it.
Anyone who downloads the WATV cd is nothing but a thief
DT spends much time and effort to record new music
and just because some jack ass posts it, does not mean you go and take it
Some of you so called DT fans are nothing but a bunch of self centered jerks
Support the band, don't steal from them -

First: You must be joking.
Second: DT spends so much time recording music, of course they do, that's one of the reasons why they are a very professional band and we all love them.
Third: I don't see the problem in downloading the album since I am definitely going to buy it when it comes out, because the album is awesome, like everything DT ever released.
Fourth:I can see you care so much about the selling department, but I can tell you that DT dont make much money with it, because the BIGGEST share is for the label, if people really do want to support the band, they should attend the shows, if what i'm saying is not true, Caotico or martin can deny me right here and right now :)
Fifth: Considering what I just said, I dont see what's your problem man, really :)
Anyone who downloads the WATV cd is nothing but a thief

Theft is taking something in a fashion which deprives it's rightful owner of its use. The only reason that society looks down on theft is that deprivation; the only reason that we recognize a 'rightful owner' is because tangible goods are scarce. Property laws exist to allow efficient distribution of scarce resources. Ownership, in the traditional sense, is somewhat archaic in the digital world. Still, I feel a moral obligation to give thanks and support those who have stolen my breath on so many occasions.

Anyone who didn't know who DT was or had no intention of buying a DT album that downloads WATV was never a customer in the first place. If some of those people buy the album, or some merch, or come to a show, then the band benefits. It's easy to be angry at those who become "unjustly" enriched, i.e. would never buy the album, but would enjoy it for free. However: freeloaders would never be customers, superfans will still buy, and the only meaningful goal is to convert the new exposure (which is greater in an age of abundant content transfer) into customers.

So, don't be a freeloader:

1) To minimize the damage to the Big Release caused by the leak, put in your preorder now.

2) Evangelize. I've made at least one new fan, and I will be bringing three friends to the next DT show (and probably the same crew to the one after that). Without spoiling anything, this album is possibly the best tool ever created to give non-metal fans a taste of what they're missing. My mom loved it, and she's all about George Winston (I am too).

3) Give your thoughts on the album. Leaks happen because people want it that f**king badly. Now that some have it, the onus is on them to make their voices heard about how much they love it.

4) Supplement. Now would be a fantastic time to put together a good review (like point #3) that does not suck as much as the generic ones, and post it everywhere you can. Get your fan art on Flikr immediately. All song covers should be on Youtube.

If you love the band, and you partook early, do the above to show the love. For the rest of the world... whether they buy or not is all about whether or not they feel compelled to. Fiery rhetoric and insults does not convert pirates into customers, but music this good and a good opportunity to spend some cash might.

Techdirt is a blog which writes frequently about music business models. It should be noted that the principal author is not in the industry, but rather an economist. His economic insight is invaluable, though you may find the lack of specifics and inside knowledge a hindrance. A summary of effective business model experiments and some effective suggestions can be found here:

The Future Of Music Business Models (And Those Who Are Already There)

Ten Good Reasons To Buy

The principle equation is Connect with Fans + Reason to Buy = The Business Model, or CwF+RtB=$. This album is so good, fans have largely been connected. It's also pretty easy to contact a band member via the forum or a social network. The only thing left is to offer compelling scarcities to get our wallets open.

That said, I understand why a leak is bad news, but I'm a thousand times more excited about the full-quality album than I was before. I never imagined the album would be this good. But anyone on this board who hears it now is still going to buy; we still love this band, and we would all still ride into hell and back if necessary to keep them playing.
It's so fucking hard for me but since I've pre-ordered my copy I'm not going to download "We Are The Void". Don't get me wrong, I do not consider downloading as a crime. A crime (in my opinion) is listening to the album before its realease date. That's kinda bursting into studio room for listening to album before in some way. I exactly know that now album is 100 times finished but the release date has been settled.
And the last but no least reason. I've got an oportunity to feel those undescribable emotions during their December show, I've got my DVD hand autographed and finally being kicked hard into head by incatious stagediver I was asked by Niklas if I was alright. So this finally proves that Dark Tranquillity do care about their fans. And all I'm gonna do is to pay them in their own coin - to show them that I do care too. That's the smallest thing I could do, I guess.

Still I am so excited to hear new tracks. And it's kinda torture to know that I can get these songs in three clicks. But I appreciate the efforts that band have put to make this album and that's my point.

stizzleomnibus, thanks for the point. It was very useful post indeed
I for one commend Niklas and Martin B. for their reactions to downloading/album leaks. Of course it sucks for a band to have some of the built-up anticipation and momentum wiped out by this file sharing business which undoubtedly has some effect on album sales too.
But imo, Dark Tranquillity is a band which has steadily grown in terms of fanbase instead of quickly becoming a popular band with many fans who aren't as passionate about the music as the DT fans I know.
Maybe I'm just talking out of my arse here, but at least it's my own arse then haha.
I for one commend Niklas and Martin B. for their reactions to downloading/album leaks. Of course it sucks for a band to have some of the built-up anticipation and momentum wiped out by this file sharing business which undoubtedly has some effect on album sales too.
But imo, Dark Tranquillity is a band which has steadily grown in terms of fanbase instead of quickly becoming a popular band with many fans who aren't as passionate about the music as the DT fans I know.
Maybe I'm just talking out of my arse here, but at least it's my own arse then haha.

I totally agree with that. Dt may not be a band as popular as In Flames (For instance), but at least they stayed true to their roots and that is one of the main reasons for the DT fanbase being so attached to the band.
Yay for At the point of ignition! That's everything i expect from WATV. If the ten songs we haven't heard yet can keep up with the quality i find in Ignition, this album is going to make my.. er.. two-year period.

The song is really powerful and solid while still constantly featuring those "quieter" guitar-with-barely-any-drums bits during the verses. It doesn't get old after a few straight listens (or it hasn't gotten old yet anyway). I also think Mikael has a slight Gossow thing going on at some points throughout the song, which is funny and cool (Angela has an amazing screaming/growling voice). And i still find that darker-than-DT's-previous-albums side to it, which i'm loving. It seems 2010 is all about darker and shadier when it comes to the art i've been fortunate enough to be exposed to recently (and i don't mean just music, which is cool). Nice way to start a decade. =)

I'd have left the song's title at Point of ignition, though. The At the in there really ruins it for me; now, instead of sounding like the lit end of the fuse for the bomb that the album promises to be, it just sounds like a regular song. It completely shattered the "best album-starting-track title ever" thing it had going for me (and if what Maxim1110 posted about it not being the starting track anymore is true then i have to say that i believe Shadow in our blood sounds a lot better in the middle of the tracklist than at the beginning). Oh, well. At least they still have some excellent names, like Iridium, Arkhangelsk, Surface the infinite and Her silent language.

Album-wise, i know i'm going to love the bloody thing if all those quotes about Iridium being 6+ minutes long and having clean vocals and the album in general having Projector-like stuff in it is true. =) Fuck. Europe = 01 march / USA = 02 march means Mexico = 27 november or something.