We can cheat!

If anyone has a coin, take it to your computer screen and scratch off the dark parts of the logo image to reveal the names of the next band!

I love the way the image looks like a scratch off ticket that reveals the innerworkings of the computer as well as the names of the bands!

I don't have a coin handy here at work, but maybe someone else can try it!

Try scratching right on where it says, "Coming soon"!


MILES BEYOND is HEADLINING!!!??? :Smokin: I knew they'd make it big someday! woohoo! I have their first demo! I'll be first in line at the tables, even if I have to miss Virgin Steele!


You are freakin' hilarious Bryan! LOL, thanks for that. I needed a good laugh today. :p
After i got thru all the whiteout on my screen, and scratched off and area all i go was the smell of some damn perfume, and a picture of Claus. Damn scratch offs i always loss.