weird habits...

I guess it's not a habit but I also have really bad general anxiety disorder which makes me maintain a high stress level every passing second. I'm finally going to the doctor for it next week though.
I always keep my fingernails as short as possible. Dunno why... if there's enough to clip off, it gets clipped.
I absolutely cannot stand on ceramic tile while I'm barefoot, especially after getting out of the shower. Must have bathroom mats!

There are like 5 or main websites I look at every day, some are forums, some aren't. Every now and then I catch myself getting into a rut of continually checking these sites back to back, over and over again. I'll look at one and if it hasn't changed, I'll look at the next, and cycle through them multiple times until I have to ask myself "Wtf are you doing? Get up and walk away!"

I'm with you on the cold feet on the tile thing. Alex does somthing that drives me insane with the bath mats though. Wet towels and wet bathmats drive me insane. He does not have the ability to take a shower without completely soaking the bath room floor! Nothing like going to take a piss and walking directly onto a wet mat, or soaked towel.

I go to a bunch of sites, but I try to put the one's I can onto an RSS reader to let me know if somthing or anything is going on. Others I just have to visit to find out.

I think I've been banned from a haunt I've had for years now though. I had planned on quiting that site anyhow on account that it was a bit boring and the trading card thing has not done much for me of late. The site would not exist without me, and allot of people would yell fowl so I'm not officially banned, but my IP address has been blocked.

I did nothing to be proud of really. So it's quite lame. There are allot of prudes there and someone had a thread closed down because me and a couple of other women were making fart jokes, putting up fart pics from the Internet. It was all about farts and we made the thread, so it was on topic. Well it got the thread closed, I publicly asked why the thread was closed and that it was stupid because we were just talking about farts. He pm'd me and chewed me out for publicly complaining and told me that I wasn't very nice about it. That's what did it, and all it took. My only regret is not doing somthing worthy if I was going to get blocked out anyhow. :(
I too have way too much in common with some habits to gather all the posts. Especially the eye lash thing. I don't do anymore but when I was a kid from 2nd to 4th grade I had no eyelashes I'd pluck them all out in a single sitting every time they grew back. It was a nervous tick from the stress at home.

My habits now are many!

I snore very, very loud. When it gets bad Alex sleeps on the couch.

I have insomnia, and when I am asleep no one can wake me. I also suffer from a condition where you have crazy, insane lucid dreams. I need 3 alarm clocks set on full blast next to my head to wake me. Otherwise it takes Alex an hour or more to get me up. I keep telling him that he needs to take a more aggressive stance if he wants me up. Flip me out of bed somthing I don't care hahahah!

I'm a doodler too! I also go on long six or more hour drawing stints and get mad as hell when I'm interrupted.

I will go off into deep thought and unknowingly stare at someone stranger or not. This is embarrassing!

I'm too anti social in Rl :erk: I have trouble not being nervous around people. And when I pretend not to be I end up saying somthing stupid. When I don't speak much, and remain quiet I end up coming off as a snob when really I want to join in.

As far as gross habits go, I got many more dumb habits but I figured I should join in on the fun and add a gross habit lol.

If I'm eating a snack and somthing falls on to the floor, I will make sure no one is looking and pick that sucker up, as long as I'm at home. Also if somthing falls into my cleavage while eating a snack I will pick it out and eat it. It is my crumb catcher too :lol:
we have entirely too much in common :lol: ... maybe it's just being from maryland. whenever something i do/say weirds out my friends here, or i don't know of something they just chalk it up to me being from maryland.
I absolutely cannot stand on ceramic tile while I'm barefoot, especially after getting out of the shower. Must have bathroom mats!
i don't know why, but every other post someone makes is making me realize how weirdly i go about things.

if i can, i avoid stepping on cracks - seams between floor tiles, cracks in the sidewalk, anything. if i'm walking for a while (through a mall, down a hallway) the effort to do so becomes almost hypnotic.

and i'm so ... picky, i guess, about where i'll walk when im either barefoot or just wearing socks. like, it's with places inside houses, too. other people's houses usually, but a lot of times if i don't have my shoes on, i won't go into a bathroom or kitchen if the floor has some weird texture or looks dirty. it's even worse with floor and bathmats if they look weird. don't ask me how, but they CAN look weird to me.

and i generally CAN'T stand on bathmats in the shower. standing on a squishy wet bathmat barefoot = gross!
Kevin and Cara : totally with you on the cold feet after shower!

* Ok, I have to change into my "comfy clothes" the minute I get home, and take off my shoes: Can't
stand staying in shoes or regular clothes when I'm at home

* I have to have a clean kitchen... it's really wierd... The rest of the house can be messy sometimes
with things laying here and there, but the kitchen drives me crazy- and I have to clean
it all the time, so no matter when: It'll always be neat and clean. Can't stand messy dirty kitchens.

* I take cereal for breakfast at work, and I put the milk in a zip lock, and the cereal in a container.
Dunno why I mention it, but my co-workers always make fun of the "milk in the zip lock"

* Everytime I make some kind of a list: I always put this ' * ' in front of every item. Have no idea why-
but I always do. Even if just a silly list for myself.
* Ok, I have to change into my "comfy clothes" the minute I get home, and take off my shoes: Can't
stand staying in shoes or regular clothes when I'm at home

absolutely agree!!! at home I like to wear comfortable clothes, not too metal ones :)

* I have to have a clean kitchen... it's really wierd... The rest of the house can be messy sometimes
with things laying here and there, but the kitchen drives me crazy- and I have to clean
it all the time, so no matter when: It'll always be neat and clean. Can't stand messy dirty kitchens.

agree again. + I have to have a clean bathroom too.

+ no one can touch my cd collection. no one.

+ I cannot leave the house without my tea, breakfast (and internet, hehe) time too

+ I always had a lot more male friends than female ones

+ I have a lot of friends with depression. I don't know why but everybody likes to tell me their problems.

+ I like to be on my own
If I have a blanket with a design on it, it has to be right side up going in the right direction. Can't stand it any other way.

I'm with Karen on the clothes, as soon as I come home - shoes off, bra goes sailing and clothes get hung up or put in the laundry and my "crap clothes" get put on.

I constantly count things, syllables in a sentence or the tick tock of a clock, anything. I keep count by either drumming my fingers or clicking my back teeth.

I think I touched on this, but I can't stand having gunk in my eyes, nose, ears or teeth. I'm always rubbing my nose and eyes, digging in my ears and running my tongue along my teeth to see if I need to floss. I also hate having anything under my fingernails, if I see anything under them I can't rest until I can dig and get it out. I wash behind my ears at least twice a day.
I have to lick my fingernail if it happens to run across soft fabric like cotton. I get the shivers if I don't. That's about the only weird habit I have that I can mention publicly.
we have entirely too much in common :lol: ... maybe it's just being from maryland. whenever something i do/say weirds out my friends here, or i don't know of something they just chalk it up to me being from maryland.

I think it may be a Maryland thing! lol! Every thing I think is damn hilarious, Alex thinks was just weird! He says ", that was weird, Shannon" I chalk it up to either him being from Ohio, or he's just doesn't have a good sense of humor like me :D

If I have a blanket with a design on it, it has to be right side up going in the right direction. Can't stand it any other way.

I'm with Karen on the clothes, as soon as I come home - shoes off, bra goes sailing and clothes get hung up or put in the laundry and my "crap clothes" get put on.

I have to wear my crap clothes too. But, I'm the opposite with the bra thing. My bra comes on the second I wake up, and will stay on my body until I go to bed. I feel so naked without it. Aside from that I find them comfortable. Nothing like having your jugs cradled for you all day long. :lol:
I'm very antsy. Even when I'm sitting down, I've got the whole leg moving up and down thing.

I'm a nail biter. I'm ALWAYS biting my nails.

I'm also a scab, calluous, etc picker. If it looks or feels like it can come off, I'll usually pick at it until it does.

I'm a knuckle cracker. Not alot, but I still do it.

I'm absolutly repulsed when people roll up their gum wrappers into little balls. The same thing goes for straw paper. I don't know why, I just fucking hate it.

I usually haveto have music going at all time. It's as if I need a soundtrack to my life.
agree again. + I have to have a clean bathroom too.

oh wow: same here!! Kitchen and bathroom, totally! It's really funny- because sometimes my living room or computer room can be a tad messy:
But it doesn't bother me like the kitchen or the bathroom bother me...
Not much to "mess" in the bathroom, I just like to keep it CLEAN ALL THE TIME, but a messy kitchen drives me crazy.

+ I like to be on my own

ME TOO !!!!!!!!!
I'm very social, but I really need my alone time. In fact I need it more than I need to be with people... makes sense?
I have to wear my crap clothes too. But, I'm the opposite with the bra thing. My bra comes on the second I wake up, and will stay on my body until I go to bed. I feel so naked without it. Aside from that I find them comfortable. Nothing like having your jugs cradled for you all day long. :lol:

NOOOOO, you have to let them be free once in a while, girlfriend!!! :goggly: