weird habits...

oooh, you know what I hate...
the sound of a metal kitchen utensile in a metal pot...
like.. when you cook and you try to get the food out, so you run the metal spoon across the metal pot...

EDIT: I just gave myself goosebumps thinking about it :lol:
oh wow: same here!! Kitchen and bathroom, totally! It's really funny- because sometimes my living room or computer room can be a tad messy:
But it doesn't bother me like the kitchen or the bathroom bother me...
Not much to "mess" in the bathroom, I just like to keep it CLEAN ALL THE TIME, but a messy kitchen drives me crazy.

+ my computer desk is very messy, but I can find almost everything. I rule my chaos! :)

ME TOO !!!!!!!!!
I'm very social, but I really need my alone time. In fact I need it more than I need to be with people... makes sense?

me too :)))

+ I don't tolerate stupid people
Hahah, I'm just down right mean to them both!

Karen that is one of my pet peeves also. It sounds horrible. I use heavy duty plastic spoons to avoid it. I don't use wooden spoons because that goes into my other problems with being a germaphobe. I can't stand wooden spoons, wooden cutting boards, ewwwww or nasty dish rags or sponges. Might as well wipe your ass and then clean the counter with it. lol.
I can't stand anything on my LCD screen or anyone even considering touching them... I'll spend 10, 15 minutes a day cleaning them gently due to dust and smudges that defy going away, and the fact my family find it funny.
+ I hate to wake up early. (6-7 am) it kills my day. fortunately I can wake up whenever I want to. (8-9 am)
and I like to stay up long.

+ without a pillow I can't sleep :)
Except for my shoes, I put my pants on last. I put everything else on first, including socks, and then do my hair & makeup (if i decide to wear any). Then eventually the pants come on :)
haha that reminds me of another weird shower habit of mine...

Every single time without fail, when I wrap my hair up in a towel I think about my ex-girlfriend that taught me how to do it. I'd never before known any decent way to wrap up my wet hair and then she showed me her method, which I use to this day. Every time I do it I think "Hey, thanks Amy!"
i pace around while im thinking/deciding something. i walk into the center of every room and back out again on a continuous tour of the house (pretty much only if im home alone).

sometimes when im alone and smoking/working/bumbling around i still make comments and jokes out loud for the benefit of the 'invisible' audience (ghosts, aliens, whatever who knows im just a jackass and enjoy the sound of my own humor)

if theres no music i talk to myself in the car (actually do a lot of serious thinking in the car), or if there's music i sing along to the vocals and music. if you heard a stand-alone tape of me listening to Mr Bungle's s/t i would surely be committed.

i gotta have my morning internet/bong time before work

i fidget with small desktop items (lighters, click pens, bottle caps, anything else)

i often finger tap drums to the beat, or if theres no music my own beat or to a song in my head, especially when waiting. i probably look bored or impatient but im just spacing out in tune-land. if im sitting i tap my feet.

i think my only borderline OCD thing i do is sometimes at work/home i check locks that i know i just checked a few minutes/little while ago. i dont always trust my stoner memory.
I'm a real pain in the ass to people when it comes to speaking/writing. If someone mispronounces a word, writes a common phrase in a way that sounds the same but makes absolutely no sense (like someone I know says "wait to go, jackass" instead of "way to go, jackass"), or uses a word in the wrong context it pisses me off to no end.

I refuse to take any sort of medication unless it is absolutely necessary.

I also get the shakes when I'm nervous, which is fairly often.