weird habits...

I just remembered something else as I was walking to my truck after work today. I don't really think it's a habit per se... but I walk faster than anyone I know. If I'm walking with anyone else I have to remind myself to slow down.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
I'm a fast walker as well. I find it annoying when I'm behind someone in a store or something that walks at normal pace. Actually, annoyed is an understatement. I become irate when I'm behind some slow fucking faggot who I have troubles getting around.

Howabout getting caught behind a group of loud and obnoxious Afromericans when you have to get to the far end of the school for class.
my kitties don't snore, but that sounds ridiculously adorable. occasionally they do that twitching/whimpering thing.

when i was home from school a few weeks ago, one of my cats spent the entire time curled up against my pillow like a round gray throw-pillow. when i took my blankets downstairs where will and i were sleeping, the cat would sleep on the sheets.

Do your kitties play with those little furry mice? Xena hides her mice all over the house. They are like her baby dolls.

Here are some of my cats weird habits.

Bag licking. leave any kind of plastic material or plastic bag on the floor and she's all over it licking, and covering it in slobber. It drives me nuts.

Watching you pee. She loves this, also loves to lick your toes while your on the toilet. She will get mad and cry at the door if you shut her out.

Ankle biting. She will run from one side of the house to attack your leg and bite with glee!

She will only eat tuna if Alex gives it to her. This makes no sense at all.

She is petrified of thunderstorms. She wants to hide in the closet but will bug the crap out of us to come in with her. It's a huge production of crying and mewing every time.

I have the weirdest cat in the world, so this is just a few.
Howabout getting caught behind a group of loud and obnoxious Afromericans when you have to get to the far end of the school for class.

What's worse is when you're driving and some slow fucking Afromerican takes his sweet ass time crossing the street, not having any consideration for drivers, acting like it is their street. Pedestrians first, sure, but people don't need to be fucking dicks about it.
Here are some of my cats weird habits.

Watching you pee.

One of my best friend's cats does this. She is known as the bathroom kitty who has a cat bed above and to the left of the toilet. Most people get freaked out by her and put her outside of the bathroom, but I pet her when I do my deed. She'll even sometimes try to bat at the stream.
I used to have the habit of pulling out beard hairs always in this one spot, but it caused me to have a noticeable bald spot so I eventually forced myself to overcome this fixation.
Another odd habit, whether it is a random habit or caused by a slight case of OCD, I don't know.

When I set my alarm clock for a specific time, I can't set it to an even number. For example, if I'm setting it for 7:30A.M. I have to set it for 7:31A.M. or 7:29A.M. I don't double up on numbers like 7:33A.M. or 7:11A.M.
Here's a new habit I've picked up in the last year or so.. crossing my legs like a girl. Can't say I'm very proud of it, because I always used to cross my legs the right way (like a MAN) but my desk at work is too low and I have to do it the girl way. Now it's turning into a habit and it probably makes me look like a gay person haha.
I *WILL* confront anyone setting clocks forward or behind *actual* time on the clocks in my car or house. It bothers me that much, becuase it doesn't make you leave any earlier.
I had a bio teacher I'd have banged right there in the classroom. So it's plausible.

Nice, I had an English teacher last year that was a stone-cold fox. How I wish that kid sexing thing was in effect.

Alas, it was not.

Edit: I had the most badass Biology teacher, ever. From a story my friend tells me "We were reading some chapter in the Bio book, and when it got close to the word 'organism' he stood behind the kid and sure as shit he said 'orgasm'. Queue the yes the fist."
yeah, get on that plz. rest of the story was amusing, though.

i remember once i was reading something in german class aloud, about the weather, and instead of saying "climatic" i said "climactic" and one of my friends burst out laughing.
Do your kitties play with those little furry mice? Xena hides her mice all over the house. They are like her baby dolls.

Here are some of my cats weird habits.

Bag licking. leave any kind of plastic material or plastic bag on the floor and she's all over it licking, and covering it in slobber. It drives me nuts.
lilly is basically a professional mouser. she stakes those things out. i remember one my little sister had a bunch of friends sleep over and they were in our basement. my sister got up to go to the bathroom and when she got back, the cat had laid a dead mouse on her sleeping bag.

lillly's also a black and white striped cat and is drawn to black things - shirts, bags - and always leaves clumps of white hair behind. same with pillows. the floor could be empty except for one throwpillow and she will be curled up on it.

she doesn't lick things, but she nuzzles them. my dog usually sleeps in my bothers room and he says that every single time the dog follows him down there to go to sleep, when max (dog) gets in the room, he'll start licking this one pillow one this chair for a good 5 min, in the same spot.