Weird Music


In memory of Chuck
May 2, 2001
Corner Brook Canada
Ok ,, alot of you listen to "different" music then the rest of the metal heads ,,,,, tell me a band that play's extremely weird music ,, kind of like cynic or something ,, even a good song by cynic ,, but something very weird , it doesn;t have to metal , just something that's good that you think is weird ...
I need some inspiration too work on one of the most complicated songs i've ever heard or written ( basically a years project) ,,,,just something by myself ,,,,,lots of guitar effects ,, i'm gonna do vocals , except it won't be vocals because you won't be able to hear the words it will be soo much reverb ,, it will just be like another instrument ,, or a keyboard or something ,, i'm gonna use anything I can ,, if you have any suggestions then bring em on ,, later

please help me

I gotta get outa here ,,, I gotta get outa here!!
Try Jack off Jill, and just about ANY song off their album: Sexless Demons and Scars.

If you need me to pick out their wierdest ones I'd have to say Swollen, Poor Impulse Control, and Angels Fuck.
Weird??.....OK......well let's see

John Zhorn
Einsturzende Neubauten
The Birthday Party (Pre Nick Cave)
The Locust
Negative Land
Aphex Twin
........all weird but good.....just to name a few....i am sure i will think of more later
what about really wierd and dumb ? :p steve vai's voodo acid
is one (a little drug trip) or well still from vai , fuck yourself is
damn wierd for a guitar song :lol:
Plasma Pool, Tormentor, Special Defects (Fredrick Thordenthal), Buckethead, Deli Creeps, Karaboudjan (Swano at hs wierdest), Pan-Thy-Monium (Swano at his almost-wierdest), Pinkly Smooth (you guys have GOT to hear these guys!-theatrical rock/metal/punk, like Queen/Incubus/Primus/ and agrind band all mixed together!)

The new Tormentor album, Recipe Ferrum.

The New enslaved (which I just got today, finally!!!) has it's weird moments as well. Somehow it manages to work amidst the crazy-ass black/death metal riffs they have going on.
Originally posted by astarte
when, bogus blimp, diamanda galas, plasma pool (not really weird), curreny 93, solefald....
try any band in or jester records :D

I was wondering if anyone was gonna mention Diamanda Galas, she's by far one of the weirdest out there in my opinion, the album I've heard is her Plague Mass, recorded live at St. John's Cathedral...i swear she can go from one vocal extreme to another in seconds...sounds kinda like a turkey at times, kinda opera, kinda yodeling, anyway, it's weird, from what i remember, the whole thing is condemning the way the religious right condems AIDS patients....very strange indeed
What about Fredrik Thornedal's side project??? That's fuckin' weird.

Mr bungle is semi-weird... most of the music sucks, but mike patton is awesome.

What about some phantomas?