Weird News Story of the Day

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
BBC World-

Treatment keeps girl child-sized

Ashley's parents refer to their daughter as "Pillow Angel"

Parents of a severely disabled girl in the US have revealed that they are keeping her child-sized in order to give her a better life.
The nine-year-old, named Ashley, has the mental ability of a three-month-old baby and cannot walk or talk.

Along with hormone doses to limit her growth, Ashley's parents also opted for surgery to block breast growth and had her uterus and appendix removed.

They say the treatment will help to improve her quality of life.

Ashley's parents, Seattle residents who have not given their names, went public over their daughter's treatment in a blog launched on 1 January.

Their decision came after information about Ashley's case was published in a US medical journal last year, triggering considerable debate and criticism.

Faced with Ashley's medical reality, as her deeply loving parents, we worked with her doctors to do all we could to provide Ashley with the best possible quality of life.

Ashley's parents say that because she will remain the weight of a child, it will be easier for them to move her around, bathe her and involve her in family activities - movement that will benefit her physical and mental well-being.

Dr Douglas Diekema from the University of Washington in Seattle, who was on the ethics committee that gave the go-ahead for Ashley's treatment, told the BBC that the panel agreed "because the parents convinced us it was in fact in this little girl's best interests".

"If she were smaller it would be much easier for them to continue to provide a much more personal level of care," he said.

But Agnes Fletcher of the UK's Disability Rights Commission said is was "unnecessary medical treatment to deal with what is essentially a social problem", referring to "the poverty and lack of support" faced by families with disabled children.

Ashley's parents wrote in their blog: "A fundamental and universal misconception about the treatment is that it is intended to convenience the caregiver.

The estrogen treatment is not what is grotesque here. Rather, it is the prospect of having a full-grown and fertile woman endowed with the mind of a baby

Ashley's parents say,
"Rather, the central purpose of the treatment is to improve Ashley's quality of life."

Ashley has static encephalopathy, a rare brain condition which will not improve. Her parents call her "Pillow Angel", because she does not move from wherever they put her, usually on a pillow.

The couple decided three years ago to take steps to minimise their daughter's adult height and weight.

In July 2004 Ashley began hormone treatment, through patches on the skin, that is expected to reduce her untreated height by 20% and weight by 40%.

Ashley's parents said the decision to remove their daughter's uterus and breast buds was for the girl's comfort and safety.

"Ashley has no need for her uterus since she will not be bearing children," they said, adding that the decision means she will not experience the menstrual cycle and the bleeding and discomfort commonly associated with it.
They have my every good wish. I'm sure she's in safe hands.

The operation also removed the possibility of pregnancy if Ashley were ever the victim of sexual abuse, they said.

The removal of the girl's breast buds was also done in part to avoid sexual abuse, but was carried out primarily so she would not experience discomfort when lying down, the parents said.

The couple emphasised their love for their daughter and said the amount of criticism their choice of treatment attracted had surprised them.

George Dvorsky, a member of the Board of Directors for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies said: "If the concern has something to do with the girl's dignity being violated, then I have to protest by arguing that the girl lacks the cognitive capacity to experience any sense of indignity.

"The estrogen treatment is not what is grotesque here. Rather, it is the prospect of having a full-grown and fertile woman endowed with the mind of a baby."
"If the concern has something to do with the girl's dignity being violated, then I have to protest by arguing that the girl lacks the cognitive capacity to experience any sense of indignity.

i wonder if this kind of horseshit applies to comatose and otherwise incapacitated people too?
This is where abortion comes in handy. (If down syndrome can be foreseen before birth, I reckon this abnormality can as well).

This situation isn't far removed from Terry Schiavo. Stop fucking with these hormones for crying out loud. Put her on a plug, and then pull it. I know that sounds heartless, but it's the humane thing to do. (I only take this stance seeing that her mental capacity is that of a 3 month old, if she had the mental prowess of say a 5 yr old, then it would be a different story.
I seen this on another board where it turned into a discussion on if it would be immoral to have sex with them once they come of age. But they're physically and mentally challenged aren't they?:S
yeah, back in the day it would be alright to just toss this girl into a snowbank in the middle of the woods and everyone would be ok with it.

oh how I long for those times...
I seen this on another board where it turned into a discussion on if it would be immoral to have sex with them once they come of age. But they're physically and mentally challenged aren't they?:S

dude, just go find some horny midgets. It's much more legal than the alternative.
CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — It was no bomb -- just two cans of spaghetti sauce. But police in the Detroit area report they're looking for a woman who's charged with using the sauce to steal dough.

According to authorities, Ophelia A. Neal told employees at a bank branch in Macomb County's Clinton Township that she had a bomb in her bag. Authorities say the 430-pound suspect was already on parole and has fraud, assault and marijuana convictions.

Police say the robber demanded money and then took the cash and escaped in a car with a man at the wheel.
Saturday's robbery at a Fifth Third Bank branch in Macomb County's Clinton Township. It's about 15 miles north-northeast of Detroit

Photo - Not the woman in question, just some fat chick for emphasis.
Jonathan and Sarah Adleta's children were doomed to a life of perverse cruelty before they were even born.

Jonathan Adleta, a former Marine officer, dreamed of the day he could have "daddy-daughter sex." After Sarah Adleta became pregnant with a daughter, he said he would marry her only if she agreed to let him carry out that desire. When the couple had a son, Sarah Adleta was expected to have sexual encounters with him.

In an Orlando federal courtroom this week, prosecutors and witnesses described, in disturbing and graphic detail, the heinous exploitation and abuse the couple's toddlers endured at the hands of their parents — even after they divorced.

Jonathan Adleta lived his dream until March, when the FBI received a tip that his 29-year-old former wife was communicating with a North Carolina man who was arrested on charges of having sex with a child.


That's when federal authorities began unraveling a cross-country web of sexual abuse that culminated in convictions for both parents — and could land 25-year-old Jonathan Adleta in prison for life.

Sarah Adleta, who testified for several hours this week wearing Orange County Jail garb, said she initially struggled with the concept and thought Jonathan Adleta would lose interest in it.
But she loved him, needed his financial security and said she would do whatever it took to not lose him, she told jurors.,0,2938308.story
Bonus news story of horrible/tard parenting.

Darwin award winning mother holds 2 year old on railing above a pack of African wild dogs, loses grip, child gets mauled to death. Cha-ching, time to cash in on that blood, a lawsuit has been filed. Kill yourself for your own negligence sow. When I first heard this story, I thought it was a nig, was kind of shocked that it was a whitey.
After Cabbage Patch Kids come, simply - the cabbages.

Lonely teenagers in China who feel life is pointless and who struggle to find friends have taken to befriending the lowly vegetables as the perfect, undemanding companions.

And the sight of them out 'walking' the cabbages in a bid to battle loneliness is the latest way of meeting someone new - as cabbage walkers use their weird pets as a way to start up conversations with each other.

"It's not about finding a boyfriend or girlfriend, just about having someone to talk to and share things with, a statement of youth isolated in the big cities," said Chinese psychiatrist from Beijing University Wen Chao, 56, about the weird phenomenon.

"The idea is simple - you feel as lonely and as simple as a cabbage, so you begin to act like one and befriend one. And in that acceptance comes change."

A group of youths were recently photographing walking cabbages at a music festival named the Midi Music Festival currently underway in the Chinese capital Beijing.

Lui Ja Chen, 17, and one of the cabbage walking youths, said: "I feel I can transfer my negative thoughts about myself to the cabbage, go for a walk with it and come home feeling better about myself.

"If I see someone else it's easy to start up a conversation with them about their cabbage, and they are better than dogs as they don't bark, or start fights with other cabbages. It doesn't even need feeding, or leave a mess on the pavement.

"In fact afterwards, I can throw the cabbage away and feel that I have tossed my feelings out with it."

Another cabbage walker, Da-Xia Sung, also 17, said: "I have more interest for my cabbage than I do my parents. I feel it understands me."

But worried doctors fear that many young people are seeing the cabbages as surrogate pals and are eschewing human contact to grow unhealthily closer to their nutrient-packed veg pals.

"At the end of the day someone real to talk to is much healthier," said Wen Chao.

William Baer reportedly asked the school board members if they would read the sex scene out loud, but they refused.

In what became a heated discussion, Baer was approached by a police officer who handcuffed him.

The incident was captured on camera.

"You're going to arrest me? Because I violated the two minute rule?" Baer asks the officer.

The school board issued a statement Monday night apologizing for failing to inform parents that the book was being assigned, which had been the case in the past.

William Baer learned that his 14-year-old daughter had been assigned to read a novel that contains a passage so sexually explicit that he described it as "pornographic.”

The novel, “Nineteen Minutes,” by Jodi Picoult is a controversial book that tells the story of a fictional school shooting and the people it affects. Though the book has been part of the curriculum in New Hampshire’s Gilford High School since 2007, when it was assigned last Monday, school officials gave no notice to parents of freshmen English students that the book was being read, or of the novel’s sexually explicit content.

“‘Relax,’ Matt murmured, and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. He pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against hers. She could feel his erection, hot against her stomach.

” … She couldn’t remember ever feeling so heavy, as if her heart were beating between her legs. She clawed at Matt’s back to bring him closer.

“‘Yeah,’ he groaned, and her pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly Matt was inside her, pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet, burning the backs of her legs. … (H)e clamped his hand over her mouth and drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come.

“Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her.”
