

Jun 13, 2002
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Since I can't PM anyone at the moment, I couldn't ask blackmetalemp to post my pic for me...I want to share it with you guys now, now, NOW :jumping up and down like a 3 year old:

So where are you, or anyone who'd like to do me a favor?? ;)


there we go, beth lookin good sportin her tats ;0)
*edit* hows that?
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Reactions: Beth
yaay, thanks, man

why so small? eh i'm just messing, it's alright :)

I've had the O worked on twice since you saw me, can you tell? heh, oh probably not because it's this big :p:p
wow! whats happened to your back? i think it might be a piment problem or something... those markings look a lot like the name of a band i like, by coincidence.
:lol: Thanks, guys....I love my tattoo artist, he's the best, don't you agree? :grin:
I can't wait to get more....but I probably won't post pics of them because I've got enough Opeth stuff branded on me already :p So the rest will be things that you all surely won't care about, haha

haha, Lacent, it's not blue
hehe....maybe a little faded, but not blue....the colors are a little off, especially in the darker pic....my grandma didn't adjust the lighting and stuff on these when she had them developed...yes, my grandmother took the pictures...she's awesome

Ian, err there I have only ooooone frontal pic posted on here, and that's good for me.....I'm soo not a picture person :)

I just noticed you made them bigger :grin:
Beth said:
:lol: Thanks, guys....I love my tattoo artist, he's the best, don't you agree? :grin:
I can't wait to get more....but I probably won't post pics of them because I've got enough Opeth stuff branded on me already :p So the rest will be things that you all surely won't care about, haha

haha, Lacent, it's not blue
hehe....maybe a little faded, but not blue....the colors are a little off, especially in the darker pic....my grandma didn't adjust the lighting and stuff on these when she had them developed...yes, my grandmother took the pictures...she's awesome

Ian, err there I have only ooooone frontal pic posted on here, and that's good for me.....I'm soo not a picture person :)

I just noticed you made them bigger :grin:

haha, i thought when i saw it at the show it wasnt blue, i was confused but dismissed it as my ignorance, what is it, just black and it shows up as blue?