Were will COB be in 5 years time.

I don't know...
5 years: well maybe 3-4 new albums with extra clean vocals; more hc fans; Alexi's TV show on MTV dunno. But continueing this way of changing style (I know they don't want to do a HB2, but the next album should be something else) is killing COB. :err:
:lol: Alexi with his own TV show on MTV . . . . :lol: For some reason I can see him doing his own kids show. :loco:

Alexi:"A is for . . . awwww, fuck it, I need another beer!"
I dunno...it's really hard to say, the change with the release of AYDY? was pretty drastic, so I don't really know if they'll keep this style or change every time they make an album till they're comfortable with one. Sadly enough, I see COB becoming a hardcore band, not that I dislike hardcore, there're a few gut bands, but it's still not my favourite. My best friend, who listens to a lot of hardcore and metal, said the AYDY? album was ver hardcore, and sadly enough, I had to agree with him. o_O

I really don't know how COB will be in the next five years...that'll be...2010...
I'll be old then!!! (24 :tickled: ).

I think it'll turn into a hardcore-industrial-death/power metal band..., ohh wait, it's already that.
They will most likely dive deeper into the experimental path they are following and will gain much more success and more of a mainstream appeal. They'll face a MAJOR falling out from true fans and could crumble or eventually realize their faults and create a totally new album that is unique and contains creative elements that old fans will enjoy without making a Hatebreeder or Follow The Reaper part 2.
Alexi will probably start a new project. They have in the past or still do have had side projects during Bodom. Maybe one will get big and take over. The guys in Bodom have wayyyyyyyyy to much talent to call it quits in 5 years. Maybe quits to the band but not musical career. I'd end up being the guy from Saw if they put their musical careers to a halt.
theyll release a christmas album with tracks such as "lil bloodred nose reindeer" and "leave me be this christmas". the album will shoot to number 1 in every country on the planet.

I'm not sure where they will be. I think existence wise they will probably be around, the more i think about it. They come across as a "together" unit. Sound wise I really don't know. I hope they don't explore the AYDY? direction further and maybe evolve some of their original killer sounds, but i fear thats probably not going to happen.

I suppose their is every chance some of the members may not agree with a certain direction and leave, but i am pretty sure COB will still be around.

I'll still always enjoy the earlier albums and always catch them at a gig for that material, but i don't think i would buy anymore cd's if thats the direction they are going to follow - it doesnt float my boat quite as much.
Final_Product said:

I'm not sure where they will be. I think existence wise they will probably be around, the more i think about it. They come across as a "together" unit. Sound wise I really don't know. I hope they don't explore the AYDY? direction further and maybe evolve some of their original killer sounds, but i fear thats probably not going to happen.

I suppose their is every chance some of the members may not agree with a certain direction and leave, but i am pretty sure COB will still be around.

I'll still always enjoy the earlier albums and always catch them at a gig for that material, but i don't think i would buy anymore cd's if thats the direction they are going to follow - it doesnt float my boat quite as much.

He has taken alot of forght into this lol :err:
I predict that next summer they will play at Ozzfest and gain big quantities of new american hardcore loving fans. Alexis ego's gonna grow at the same speed as his wallet and soon he'll be convinced that his own solo carrier is way more important than his band and COB will cease to exist. When the solo project has gone to shit (which shouldn't take too much time) he'll bring the band back together and they'll release their worst album to date and after excessive flaming from fans and critics they'll finally split up for good. That's what's gonna happen if Alexi hasn't already died of lung cancer or lever failure.

Oh, did you say in five years? Who the hell knows, somewhere in between what I just wrote maybe...
Fatalized said:
I predict that next summer they will play at Ozzfest and gain big quantities of new american hardcore fans. Alexis ego's gonna grow at the same speed as his wallet and soon he'll be convinced that his own solo carrier is way more important than his band and COB will cease to exist. When the solo project has gone to shit (which shouldn't take too much time) he'll bring the band back together and they'll release their worst album to date and after excessive flaming from fans and critics they'll finally split up for good. That's what's gonna happen if Alexi hasn't already died of lung cancer or lever failure.

Oh, did you say in five years? Who the hell knows, somewhere in between what I just wrote maybe...
Alexi should just read it.