what are you drinking right now?

Heere is the list...

a 22 ounce bottle of MGD in 7 seconds
2 12 ounce bottles of bud, (3 seconds each)
1 shmirnoff ice (i know, its a pussy drink...so shoot me)
and i've got a 750 ml bottle of Georgi Vodka waiting for me in my room.....

and yesterday....

2 22 ounce bottles of MGD (roughly 8 seconds each)
5 12 ounce bottles of Coors Light.....dunno how long they took...but i downed them nontheless
and about 7 shots of Vodka...

Im not going to remember this post at all....should be fun to read it in school tomorrow :)
hehe on that subject, yesterday i was in my college admission course break and we went to a bar up front with some friends from school... we (i in fact, the rest were all girls and only one drank) drank a beer and i can tell you, taking class with beer with alcohol in your organism is a very interesting experience :p
i could almost say i was more proficient than usual! i think i'm gonna remember that for the final exam day :p