what are you drinking right now?

haha more drunk memoirs...
on saturday i went out with my friends, we had a barbecue... as usual i got a little tiny bit drunk and i ended up getting sleepy and taking a nap...
first of all, all i remember is 'deciding' to go take a nap, but i have not the faintest fucking idea how i got upstairs to his room haha
then when i woke up something like an hour later my pants were gone! wtf!!!
we started looking all over the house... i was in underwear with a Painkiller shirt, drunk and walking around half mumbling "where are my pants? my fucking pants!" hahhahah

and they ended showing in his brother's room hahahah go figure :p
that was hilarious hahah

that's one tomato juice loving parrot you see there :p

kidding, V8 was our first real heavy metal band

now drinking: coke