What are you learning?

I'm learning a lot of stuff at the moment:
Wintersun:Winter Madness solo
Battle against time solo
Dragonforce:Operation ground and pound
Steve Vai:For the love of god
Eric Johnson:Cliffs of Dover
Tons of bodom songs for a compilation video I'm making
^I just learnt it, I found this tab pretty useful. Apparently it's the same as in the tab book so...


cheers for that man, i think thats similar to the tab i currently have, but it just doesnt sound right to me, if you watch this guy play it


he plays it differently to that tab and he says he learned it out of the book. ah well, guess i know what im gettin for my birthday lol :D
After watching some live vids I think that guy maybe right so I don't know, the tab book is probably the best option. For the record I thought there was something up with that tab I had to :lol: but the guy who sent it me assured me he transcribed it from the tab book.
After watching some live vids I think that guy maybe right so I don't know, the tab book is probably the best option. For the record I thought there was something up with that tab I had to :lol: but the guy who sent it me assured me he transcribed it from the tab book.

It's not from the tab book.
I'm also thinking of ordering that necrophagist tab book for my b-day :D

and for the moment, I've gone back to learning some metallica riffs cuz I was listening to Garage Inc the other day...and man, I miss metallica...
^Hey, how did you find the Summer Slaughter? I demand a review! :p

Anyone know where I can find a really decent tab of Arsis - Madenning Disdain?
Well...I'm about to leave for the show in an hour. the ticket says no cameras so I don't wanna risk taking my dad's expensive digital camera there and getting it taken away or something. I'll take lots of pics with my phone, which is actually pretty good quality. I'll record some videos with it also (although I'm sure the sound will be horrible) and I'll post everything for you guys to see.

aaand we're gonna try to meet Muhammed before the show :D
ok here ya go...I just posted a review on the bodom forum actually, so I'm just gonna copy and paste it here for those of you who don't go to the COB forum....

well I've just come back from the show...well almost an hour ago. I had to shower right away cuz I was covered in other people's sweat and I've found several bruises on my body :lol: But it was all worth it cuz I was in the absolute front row for the last 6 bands. And my poor boobies were being squished the whole time cuz when you're in the front everyone from behind packs in and the ppl in the front get insanely squashed. But Muhammed was litterally only 2 feet away...and if there wasn't a gap between the stage and the barricades, I would've touched god...oh, I mean Muhammed :p

So my main critisicm is that most of those bands sound too much alike. for example, beneath the massacre, as blood runs black, and ion dissonance all had nearly the same exact breakdowns!! and these bands are more hardcore than metal imo. Arsis, however was awesome. They were probably my 3rd favorite. My 2nd being Cattle Decapitation (holy shit, they have a crazy singer...I mean you can see the insanity in this guys face as he scream...he's really quite scary. His mouth was foaming as he screamed and he kept spitting beer out to the crowds, and I got it all over me. Infact,he looks scary when he's singing but that's what makes them so good. you can feel their music. Good stuff. and not to mention that they have a crazy guitarist). And I think we all know who the best band of the night was (duh!) Marco even did a CRAZY ASS drum solo during the necro set. I got some of it on video but unfortunately I didn't catch the craziest parts (I was too busy watching to bother to record it, sorry). here are a couple of pictures:


here's a really bad pic I took with Stephan...it was really dark inside and my flash wasn't on.

if anyone wants to see video footage from the solo of foul body autopsy (I think that's what it was...the sound is bad and i can't really make it out) PM me.

as for the other videos, i'll upload them later.

p.s. All videos and pics were taken with my cell phone...so the sound quality on the vid will suck.
But now let me tell you about my little chat with Stephan...it was kinda like a interview cuz I found out so many things...haha.

So I asked him if he likes the tour so far, and he said yeah, he loves playing in the states cuz the crowds here are "wild and crazy." In europe, he says they're boring. And then I was like, "REally? what about finland and sweden and all those nordic countries...don't they have crazy metal fans over there?" and he said, they've actually never playing there yet, but only in norway. then we started talking about black metal. then i asked him how long has he played for and he said 7 years. and i was like, wow, you're really good for 7 years...and he said he practices 5-7 hours a day!! i was like, "holy shit! what about muhammed how often does he practic?" and he said muhammed doesn't practice at all! he said once muhammed didn't play guitar for 3 months and then the next time he picked one up, he was amazing on it. and here are his exact words, "Muhammed is a genius." And I was like, yeah dude, I can tell! then I asked about their next album...and he said they're really lazy and haven't even written any songs yet...but they wanna come back to tour the states next year...so they should be recording soon...well, as soon as the songs are written...

then I asked about the xiphos. I told him that I bought one and he said that's awesome (in his very thick german accent) I asked if muhammed had originally proposed the idea to ibanez and he said that ibanez actually came to him so he could just be kind of like the promoter. so they made him a custom xiphos in exchange for him promoting it. AND...he's getting another custom made and the fret inlays on this are gonna say NECROPHAGIST on them. how fuckin sick would that be?!

ummm...what else....oh he asked me if I was going to any afterparties (and this point, I was like, holy shit, i'll get to party with necrophagist) and I said I didn't know of any...and asked if he was going. he said he's waiting for some ppl to tell him about it and if I hang out with him I could come too. BUT my stupid friend Ofer had to go home and he was my ride...so I had to leave as well...but whatever, i'm tired. I asked him if the band drinks a lot and he said no because if they do, then they can't perform well the next day. but they get a day off after tomorrow's show so they're gonna drink heavy tomorrow night. (although i don't know if Muhammed drinks at all, cuz he's muslim) And then i mentioned alexi and his heavy drinking and how his skill have kind of gone downhill....and he said yeah, he doesn't really listen to bodom anymore because the new stuff is too "poppy" :lol: then we talked about alexi's stolen jacksons...

So yeah...there was some more chit chat but I'm too tired and in pain to remember all of it. This was a really brutal show and I loved...i'm gonna go eat now...hope you gusy liked the review, and sorry for all the grammatical errors/typos...i really don't care to fix them right now.

oh and sorry if i babbled a lot :p

oh and i just remembered, the problem they had with customs about entering the US was for all of them, not only Sami....
do you own the tab book? could you enlighten me as to the fingering for the last couple of bars of the first solo? after the little bass solo, because i probably wont be getting the book till september lol :D

I would, but unfortunately i forgot my tabbook in Sweden, and i'm staying in Spain for 3 months. I just gazed through the tab, and i noticed that alot of stuff wasn't the same as the original tab, from what i remembered.

Bleurghhh! I thought so. I really wish I ordered the tab book now, when I ordered my Shirt :( btw how long did it take for your order to get to you? I feel like I've been waiting ages.

It took like 3 weeks, so it was aarzom!