What are YOU listenin' to?

Poison My Eyes.
ThraxDude said:
I'm about to put in "South of Heaven"........ thanks to Greg! !:rock:

KILLER record! I really dig Decade for the "sound". I just happen to like live albums. Live: The Island Years is in my CD player often.
Life preordained !:rock:
Humanity maintained !:rock:
Extraction termination !:rock:
Pains agonizing stain. !:rock:
Embryonic death, !:rock:
Embedded in your brain !:rock:
Suffocation, strangulation !:rock:
Death is fucking you insane !:rock:
ThraxDude said:
I'm about to put in "South of Heaven"........ thanks to Greg! :rock:

That's like me. I see the mention of a song or album and then put something similar or exact im my player. Someone, I forget who, was listening to NIN. After I saw that, I had to listen to the NIN remix of Symphony of Destruction. Quirky how your brain desires to hear certain shit after the mention of it.

Now playing: Motley C(orabi)rue - Hooligans Holiday
Next up: Motley C(orabi)rue - Misunderstood

(Comic book guy voice)
Best Crue album - EVER! :Spin: