what are your nicknames?

my college friends call me Massi to distinguish me from other greg's.

in hich school there was this kid who used to call me "Greg Massive!", although i wasn't exceptionally obese or anything so i don't know if he meant it in a mean way. he used to call Byron "Byron Evans!"

the bottom line is that the exclamation points are part of the nickname.
i just found out today that my coworkers call me slim shady because i'm skinny and 'mysterious'. i dont' like that nickname at all.

buy my dad calls me b.b. because i am the baby and also my friends call me the a.t.s.

i like how massi sounds.

also, sometimes people call me various pasta sounding permutations of my last name. but they get ignored.
I get Fitzy some... a friend of mine calls me D Fizzle... My boss calls me The Black Wizards (yes plural.) My middle name is Hoover... and when I was younger my older friends called me The Hoov.
My mother used to call me Timmy. Also, when myself and my friends invented nicknames for each other in high-school mine was 'Lou' (or 'Loo', whatever). My friends were called 'Hut', 'The Arm', 'Yakob Schmidt' and 'Gob' respectively.
this one time, at ranch camp, my best camp friend and i were obsessed with children of the corn, and for some reason there were lots of people with the same names as us, so we had people call us isaac and malachi. she got to be malachi, which is a cooler name, because she is redhead. anyway, it was fun, and people really called us that, and we went around preaching corn gospel and yelling metallica lyrics because we were awesome.