true story, but maybe i told it already.
about 5 years ago i was waiting for an elevator at this shitty state government job i hated to death.
a few times a day, the nursery workers from downstairs would trot varying age groups around the building for a walk. i believe some of the harpies i worked with wanted to bite them, like those other kids from serbia, but much older, although most likely still wearing diapers. another story.
so it happens that a group of these kids approached with their chaperones to wait for the elevator (and it turns out, bumping me in line, because what, they have less reserved energy in their little fucking black hearts than i do?).
one boy, i remember him vaguely, was standing 2 ft away from me and just staring up in my direction. i would say he was about 2 or 3 years old.
i kind of half-smiled at him and looked him right in the eye and he sort of half-turned to his adult, pointed right at me and started with this "monkey! monkey!" bullshit.
this was before i shaved my head and had bigger sideburns, so that helped the image along, a little.
so i'm way more of a monkey than xfer, is what i'm saying.