What are your weaknesses?

Don't take this the wrong way, but you are quite attractive. I am jealous. :mad:

That said, I am not gay, but I have a weakness for men with a good head of long hair.

Haha a rising faggot! :lol:

I like cats. It's not a weakness.

I'm kind of shy.
But at the same time, I can be kind of cocky or arrogant.
I am a very nervous and anxious person, though I usually never show it.
I always want what I don't have.
I get jealous easily, and I get very jealous.
I'm certainly NOT the most likeable person.

All of these for me.

I am very quiet.


Right. You need more leather. Naturally since your going to hell, there will be lots of women.


You know full well why.

I believe that I'm more intelligent than... well, most everybody. That's not my weakness, though- my weakness is that I'm bad at hiding it : P
Lack of interest and desire for all things in life is probably my biggest 'weakness'. I can't necessarily help it though. It can mean me not caring to have a relationship, not setting goals for myself, neglecting to help myself.
No, I think I just need caffeine pills or something along those lines, it would help if I could actually get a decent sleep so 'sleeping pills' maybe as well.