Greekus Urungus
Late night burritos (especially from El Gallo)
Working out like a beast 4-5x a week but drinking a SHITLOAD every weekend
Working out like a beast 4-5x a week but drinking a SHITLOAD every weekend
Working out like a beast 4-5x a week but drinking a SHITLOAD every weekend
I am very quiet.
Attractive female volleyball players (especially in game attire)
hot girls in booty shorts. my eyes literally become locked on like a heat seeking missle.
Omg same here, volleyball players are so dang sexy it's crazy!
girl I have been trying to hook up with. I was supposed to go to cubs game with her on tuesday but she has volleyball that day which fucking BLOWSI am going to try to arrange something else on wednesday.
Strong Yu-Gi-Oh discussion.
I run a Chaos deck for Trad. play
I have a Zombie Deck for Adv. I think, been ahile lol.
Ahhhh that really sucks! Did you ever get to watch her play a volleyball game? What did she have onhaha. But good luck cooking up something for her on Wensday.
Edit: you should bring her to a romantic cruise ship, she'll love that haha.
that girl huh?? lol wuts up with that, u dont remember my name huh??? well im not tellin u until u guess it lol. wow u look awesome in those pics. man, woo!!!! well im gonna add u and if u dont accept then im not coming into gnc anymore lol u would prolly like that anway lol sorry if i bother u. well take care david. hope 2 talk to u sometime soon! ciao!!
White Castle sandwiches
I used to play in elementary school, I still have my deck, its so sweet. I have this version of the black luster soldier that doesn't need a ritual for summoning. And I have a permanent trap card that can drain the abilities of all the Egyptian God cards (along with any monster that had a special ability including mine, which was the downside). I played the game for about a year hardcore, then got bored of it in 5th grade, and then got into a tiny bit in 6th grade, I would destroy my annoying neighbor. He had a Ra card (fake one probably) but anyway we were playing 8,000 lifepoints and he sacrificed 7,999 of them and then I think I used a card that took away about 1,000 lifepoints and won. He used to cheat a lot when he started losing, it was really annoying, he attacked with two monsters at once when he didn't have the card that allows you to do that.
I am really really trying hard not to get attached to this girl but she is pretty amazing.
edit: while we are on the subject of myspace, check out this funny response I got from a girl that I have seen at GNC
White Castle sandwiches
Why don't you come over and I'll microwave you some RamenWHITE CASTLE FTW!
oh and im adding that a guy that can cook for me is a major weakness
actually i think this is true for a lot of women, men who can cook are hot
unless the girl is into really masculine guys, then she might think your gay
Blah blah.