What COB album should i buy first?

Something Wild is nice, but I think it's too "thought out". I won't get in a conversation in this thread, but I don't think that Something Wild would be the best album for someone who's trying to discover what music Bodom play.
@The everyday freak:
I would suggest to buy the albums according to the order of their release... Something Wild, then Hatebreeder, then Follow The Reaper, then Hate Crew Deathroll... and so on, till the newest stuff.
I think it'd be nice to do so 'cause every preceeding album is kind of a base/start for the following one, which has a sound that tends to get different always more, so that you can feel a link with the "past" but also recognize the new sound's evolution. :)

Go for Hatebreeder simply because it's the best album any metal band ever released in history, period.
Ah god, you like Dire Straits and also agree on the fact that Hatebreeder is best album by CoB? Dude, you rock! :kickass:
Seriously, I am in love with that album, I wanna marry that album... too bad it's only an album. :( Hahah. :)
I don't regret it :erk:

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┼Victim of the Night┼;7194005 said:
Ah god, you like Dire Straits and also agree on the fact that Hatebreeder is best album by CoB? Dude, you rock! :kickass:
Seriously, I am in love with that album, I wanna marry that album... too bad it's only an album. :( Hahah. :)

Brilliant minds think alike! :tickled:

Yeah, I listened so much to Hatebreeder when I discovered it that nowadays, when I listen to one of its songs, it brings back a lot of feelings from lots of different moments of my life.

I mean, what the hell is that album? Really? Can any other band compose something even similar to it? Hell, it seems even COB can't! :lol:
Go for Hatebreeder simply because it's the best album any metal band ever released in history, period.

Hatebreeder or Hate Crew Deathroll in my opinion. The other have some nice songs, but those are my favs (10/10).

┼Victim of the Night┼;7194005 said:
Ah god, you like Dire Straits and also agree on the fact that Hatebreeder is best album by CoB? Dude, you rock! :kickass:
Seriously, I am in love with that album, I wanna marry that album... too bad it's only an album. :( Hahah. :)

Brilliant minds think alike! :tickled:
I'd get Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper first. Maybe Blooddrunk as well.

Skip Hate Crew Deathroll, it's the most "happy"-sounding of all the albums, and aside from like, two songs, it's just not good at all. IMO ;)
Either Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper + either Hatecrew Deathroll, Are You Dead Yet? or Blooddrunk. Their new albums are just heavier and different than the older ones. I'd say go for Blooddrunk and Hatebreeder.
Soooo.... to sum it all up. Buy Hatebreeder first or Follow the Reaper...
But buy every single f***ing one (are we allowed to swear here???) ASAP... Well, that wont be hard... Now the question is should i go for the CD's now or wait untill after i get my mum a mothers day present....???
Soooo.... to sum it all up. Buy Hatebreeder first or Follow the Reaper...
But buy every single f***ing one (are we allowed to swear here???) ASAP... Well, that wont be hard... Now the question is should i go for the CD's now or wait untill after i get my mum a mothers day present....???

no waiting... NOOOOOOOW!!!! :lol:

kidding, get them when you think you should get them... we're not going to tell when... it's up to you...
My mother hates anything louder than Wolfmother... I take that back... she hates wolfmother.. she hates anything louder than, Eskimo Joe... but on the other hand when she hates it i can have it WOOT! I like the way you think!