what did you eat today?

Ive opted for citrus polos myself. Gonna have cajun chicken real potato wedges and salad as soon as I get home from work.

I loev my food one of the only times that Im miserable is when the fridge is empty
You know this is my kinda thread,

Had a full cooked brekkie this morning

then i ate salad for dinner

then prawn curry for tea

and inbetween i have had to penguin biscuits

and 2 strawberry lolly's mmmm oh yeh and a slice of pizza

hahahahaha i love me grubb
Susie said:
You know this is my kinda thread,

Had a full cooked brekkie this morning

then i ate salad for dinner

then prawn curry for tea

and inbetween i have had to penguin biscuits

and 2 strawberry lolly's mmmm oh yeh and a slice of pizza

hahahahaha i love me grubb

Full cooked breakfast
2 Hollands Steak + Kidney Puddings w/ chips n gravy
Half a Pizza
Packet Ready Salted Crisps
Two Penguins
Strawberry Lolly

3 cups o tea