What do you demand from the new album?

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
Question is:

What do you demand from the new album?
I know that it will take at least a year that they will start to write material and so on but anyway..

Here is my list:

*Clearer and louder drum-sound, including ability to hear bassdrum.
I want this because I want hear the wonderful doublebassbeats that Jivarp plays. Best example is maybe Trough The Ebony Archways.

* Little bit better arrangments than on DD.DD was quite predictable.

* Great lyrics like always.

* Maybe little bit less electronics..

* Clean vocals!!!

* If video is about to exist on cd, it could be mpg or something like that but no mov.

* Acoustic guitars.

* One of their common drumbeats on their old albums:
blackbeat or something like that.. its like hyber fast humppa.
To create roughness.

* Faster songs than on DD.

List is endless but I have to gone into sleep now..
And if Rahvin attacks against this thread.. I just accept my fate.
i hope i'm able to play it in:

1) PC CD-ROM unit
2) mobile (car) unit
3) conventional CD player



4) the Discman unit! can't forget that...for those very frequent air-travel miles. :rolleyes:

-rh (beam me up, Scotty)
I agree with RH on less electronics and no .mov video, just good ol' mpg.
Other than that, i'd like it to be more surprising, different, fresh etc., cause DD was sort of a logic step and lacked that certain something imho...
And i'd like the music to get harder and faster to shut the mouths of all those calling DT disco and electrogothic. :/ I'd like the next album to be the heaviest of all, to show the world what melodic _death_ metal is. :err:

Siren (certainly not _demanding_ anything)
ughh...let's see...this is my "want" list for the next album...

*To have a proper single release previous to the album with some sort of extra stuff or different version of an already released track...I really miss that!!!!!

* Accoustics accoustics and accoustics...

* A little more work on bass structures, or if it's possible place at least one bass-introduced song.

* Same electronics electronics for me...

* [More] clean vocals!!!

* This time, I think I'd prefer not to have any kind of video at all. :rolleyes: :p

can't think of more stuff right now...

An album based around keyboards the way Haven was, but with acoustics and clean vox.

that would own.
let's see...

* i agree about clearer and louder drums

* at least one song lyrics by niklas

* more disco-gothic stuff: who cares what a bunch of fanatics think anyway? :p

* more variety in songs

* longer tracks with acoustic parts

* new concepts behind the songs

oh, and i reckon realhazard meant "ask", not "demand".

Asking: :)p)

Some clean vocals..!
*hugs Projector cd* :D
Although I really like (...) Mikael's voice on the other cd's as well. (Like Haven, DD, Gallery..)
Hm hm hm, don't really need those really fast drums,...
And for the rest: I don't really care, I am sure they'll turn out fine. :D (Great, even. Whatever :p)
Originally posted by rahvin

* longer tracks with acoustic parts

Weren't you always the one against long songs? Isn't that your main reason of dislike for Opeth? Huh? :guh:

-Villain (who would like all DT-songs to be 7+ minutes long)
*The sickest, most baddass longest dual guitar solo in the band's history. PLeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!! I want a solo to rival the likes of December Flower etc :headbang:

but of course i'm not gonna lose sleep over it...:D
Originally posted by Villain
Weren't you always the one against long songs? Isn't that your main reason of dislike for Opeth? Huh? :guh:

i'm against long songs unless those who make them are as gifted as dt. ;)
no, seriously: i couldn't tolerate 8+ minutes songs since i think they'd be just pieces of many songs stuck together. i think there is next to no exception - that i have heard - to this rule. even longer songs i like ("rebellion in dreamland" by gamma ray clocks in at 8'45") boil down to 2-3 different songs tied together, and i often find it really annoying.
however, i think songs slightly longer than 3-4 minutes do allow for more structure and organization of melodies when performed by ppl capable to keep the consistency level pretty high.

Originally posted by rahvin
no, seriously: i couldn't tolerate 8+ minutes songs since i think they'd be just pieces of many songs stuck together. i think there is next to no exception - that i have heard - to this rule. even longer songs i like ("rebellion in dreamland" by gamma ray clocks in at 8'45") boil down to 2-3 different songs tied together, and i often find it really annoying.
you don't listen to classical music very much, do you? :rolleyes:

the only thing i'd really like to have in the next album is niklas being more involved in songwriting. ;)

I just want one thing : longer songs. with this i mean songs betwen 5-6 minutes, not 9-13 minutes like opeth or dream theater because it gets boring sometimes.

what do you guys think? ...i mean DT is great! but picture the way the sound now but extended :eek: :eek: truly the ultimate listening pleasure.
# a new intro song that kicks even wonders ass

# more variation, the fastest dt song ever and the calmest... uhm, no... ctrl-z, ctrl-z... not another day to end. but some clean vocals and maybe female.

# electronics like in monochromatic stains! (and in the cool intro that will kick wonders ass)

# nude chicks on the cover will surely make the album even better!! ;)