What do you do now?/What are your future plans?

I work on two jobs - project manager in adv. agency and translator.
Plus Im kind of photogapher. Studdying in a musical school. Startig from Monday I'm also visiting desing classes. So yeah, Monday-Saturday: work, desing school, drum school. Sunday - free day. So if someone wanna take me out - feel free to.
Planning to finish Photography classes.
can i see it?
I posted it in the pics thread but here it is.

Can I join you?
Sure. You can be the gregarious bartender character who I go to when I need a "fresh perspective"
Full-time student at Purdue University. I have no idea what I'm going for. I'm too indecisive to figure it out and I'm not the type of person to just settle on something.

Future plans...hopefully within the next year or so figure out my major and work on graduating. Then getting a job I guess. My ultimate plan/dream for the future is get into coaching football.
currently doing elint for the USAF. once i make SSgt i plan to switch jobs and get into a defense attache job, working at embassies. after 20 years i'm gonna retire and sell guitars/teach music
I'm currently a full time college student in my third year at a two year school. Mostly because I took only a few credits each semester and failed one in my first semester (moral of the story: never take an online course if the same course is offered face-to-face). I also got a D in another class (math) in my second year, so it's non-transferable, which is as good as a fail. So, my college career thus far has been actually less horrendous and riddled with failure than high school (and middle school... and elementary school. Look, school and me were never good friends). However I do feel that I am learning in College and I feel that I've found what I want to / am meant to do with my life.

As I have mentioned many, many times before (like just a minute ago in the social thread) I am an Improvisor, which is something I discovered here at college. Apparently I'm pretty good at it, because now I'm in a couple of troupes and have started doing shows for money. It's incredible, it really is, and part of me wants to just forget about my education and pursue improv further. I mean, now is the time in my life to roll the dice and take risks, right? And if I'm going something I love and that I'm good at... Why shouldn't I keep doing it? On the other hand, I really think I need to finish school, and I need to trasfer out of here to a four-year school away from home.

So, I'm coming up real fucking fast and what will probably be the hardest choice of my life. Do I finish school and leave here, or do I stay and continue to work with my friends here? I've always, for my entire life, wanted to eventually move to New York. That has been the one thing that I've always wanted to do, even as a little kid, that's where I wanted to go. I still do, but now it looks like it might be a much better choice for me to start my career in Philadelphia.

I'd also like to fight an alligator one day.
No job currently, will probably work on base at the Officers Club or at Vintage Vinyl. Want to be a Lawyer and church/jazz keyboardist. And open a metal store.
dont move to NY for the hell of it, retard.

Obviously it isn't "for the hell" of it, dumbass. Both my parents come from there, and I've grown up with them always talking about how much they loved it there and how much they want to go back (they moved to PA when I a few monthes old for finanacial reasons). Also, it would be an excellent place to start a career. And I have family there, and it's cool, so on and so forth.

If you went for the school thing, I am sure you could eventually hook up with people to do improv with, especially in NY. Just a thought. Maybe I think like a dad now.

Yeah, that's what will almost certainly push me in that direction (and that actually is pretty much what my Dad said :lol:). What's making it tough is that I've already got some good things going here, and the arts scene in Philly is actually growing pretty well. That, and I know I could get into Temple if I chose to stay in Philly. Whereas I don't know where I would be able to go in New York.