Where do you work and what do you do?

I work in an informatic school, so I teach a lot of things: Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet, how to make curriculum vitae, bla bla bla...:Smug:
I don't like to work here 'cos they don't pay me very well...I just have enough money to eat and buy some stuff from my new house...:)
Unemployed. Last did some shitty building-works. Less than 3 weeks and after taxes left 1000 e for that. Now the money is spent and I wonder how to survive summer with 220 e per month. I'm maybe going to some school in the next autumn.
I'm a seamstress and I work in (probably) the biggest company in the finnish textile industry... At least for now, I'm not so sure if I'll have my job for longer than a year :erk:
Well, what the hell, I'm already looking for a job from the other division of the company, so wish me luck :)
lady of bodom said:
Hm right now nothing. I was kicked out from school so now im just looking for anykidajob so i can have some money.....
"I feel your pain"...got kicked off school and was doing really shitty...I'm doing distance learning now, wanna study art and film when done with distance learning. Painting's the most important thing in my fucking life...
Torgoth said:
Unemployed. Last did some shitty building-works. Less than 3 weeks and after taxes left 1000 e for that. Now the money is spent and I wonder how to survive summer with 220 e per month. I'm maybe going to some school in the next autumn.
aaawww that sux dude :-(
I wish u good luck!
Well, I study right now and I guess I'll be doing that for aprox. 5 more years to get to the profession I want. :loco: Ah well, I'll probably get dead tired of it and move back to my mum, where I will live until the day I die...... :p
Unemployed and sick trying to recover full time...to go back to school before it's too late for long studies and that I find my potential and dreams wasted in a crappy fast food job...yuk! So, I'd hate my life now if there had been no progress... But hei...the more tests they do on me, the closer they will get to a diagnosis and so on to a treatment and finally to recovery....So now...I'm only trying to get physically fit when I can sleep enough not to fall everywhere etc. And..actually, I have half a normal life...but..hei...who could live with half a job...so...err..I'm still a parasite...and trying and hoping to finally get better....