-> plans for christmas/ new year's eve <-

Oct 29, 2001
pretty self-explanatory: we want to know everything about your plans for these holidays :)

where you will go (or – if you'll stay home - where you had liked to go), with who you'll spend those days, what are you going to do, particular traditions, succulent food you're going to eat, and stuff like that.
don't forget to write funny and spicy details! :)

and whatever you'll do... have fun!

Originally posted by mourningstar
succulenthave fun!
this year, nothing really, maybe have a quiet time, build a fire in the fireplace.
in the past I've gone to see my parents in Pennsylvania and once I drove from Chicago to Los angeles (2000 miles) to my mother-in-law's house (wife and son flew).

are you going to visit a certain anglo guitar player?:D :D
For Christmas, my two oldest kids (who live with their Dad) will be coming to visit for a week..can't wait!

No plans for New Year's yet..I'm not usually one for making a big deal out of it though, so I may just stay home & have a few drinks or something.
I'll celebrate christmas with my family on the 24th and with the rest of the relatives on the 25th.

For new year... I'm probably gonna sit around alone and drink... or maybe sleep, dunno
Well, I wrote Santa... If he leaves his 21 year old daughter over here, it should be an interesting story to tell... otherwise. :p
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
For Christmas, my two oldest kids (who live with their Dad) will be coming to visit for a week..can't wait!
i'm really happy for you, and i'm sure that's the best present you'll receive :)
on christmas i'll see my mother, too!!

@lizard: the other way around ;)
I have no plans yet,probably I'll go to my home town and visit family or I will end up here eating turkey
I have no clue what will happen
Originally posted by Torgoth
Great plan! Exactly what I have planned to do from Jesus birthday to New Year.
A pity I cant come over and make it a bit better :cry:
But some day I will :headbang:
I'll be taking my final exams next week then I'll go home and my parents & I will go to Soaring Eagle Casino Resort for the Christmas celebrations. After which, I will more than likely be going out to Atlanta to spend New Year's with Wandrail ;) Then I'll come back and potentially take a winter term class (pending financial abilities) and then the rest of the time will be spent lazing around the house ^_^

Christmas: Eat, read, watch tv, get bored at the christmas programs, read again, eat again, go for a walk, eat some more, maybe read a bit, die of boredom.

New Year: Wake up from the dead, visit the liquer store, get drunk somewhere, no idea yet where.
At new year Im going to a friend of mine, where we prepare a big dinner for just me and the guys. Then when we´re drunk enough, there´s a big party (held by 32 girls) on a resturant/discoteque in the nearby area. Of course we know some of the girls. There the drunken-style will guide us...

BTW; I dont celebrate the mass of christ!!!