Hey there!
how do I blow up the guitar sound?
how do I blow up the guitar sound?
with C4
this is the only forum i know that does that. so whatever, i guess lol.
if you could write me on how to Mix music.
and yet .. HERE YOU ARE ... feel free to leave anytime lady
or instead, recognize the fun for what it is and stop being such a fun-sponge. You'll notice that even though we may be bustin the kid's nuts a bit, his questions were answered pretty much right away![]()
i would leave but i love watching shit talking amatures like yourself
but who knows
maybe im just busting YOUR balls
you dont like it, do you?
EDIT: FYI, his questions werent answered.
all i see is total disrespect.
Next let me answer your question, THEN I will get on your case ...(kinda standard faire around here so dont take offense)
First off you are not going to get "BIG" guitar sound out of Guitar Rig. The only quality plugins that handle "BIG" guitar sound imho are the stuff Onquel and (god I cant remember his name now he did the killer 5150 and 6505 plugins) put out. Mix those with Catharsis Impulses and LePou and you can get BIG sounds. DUMP GUITAR RIG FAST! EZ Drummer doesnt really do sample replacing, it is for people who dont want to program drums. EZ Drummer in general takes a SHIT TON of post processing (EQ, Compression, Limiting) to get it to sound good. Do yourself a favor and if you insist on programming drums go with Slate Drums or Superior Drummer. If you are trying to do drum replacing Slates TRIGGER Platinum is the best there is. It comes with a full library of Slate Drums that take minimal post processing to use. In addition to that I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY reccomend you get LSD drums. Lasses (one of the moderators of this forum) has put together the BEST drum sounds for metal I have ever heard or used.
Ok now that all of that is out of the way.....
Dude, seriously you need to read the FAQ before you post. ALL if your questions have been answered in a MILLION AND 1 posts on this forum already. ASeriously READ THE FAQ and ALL of the stickied topics BEFORE asking questions. I GUARANDAMTEE you that your question is covered.
Welcome to the forum, stop being n00b, and follow the rules and post int he CORRECT section of the forum. If you would have read the FAQ and Stickies you would know this!
i would leave but i love watching shit talking amatures like yourself
PT 8 was not Avid it was Digidesign, so stop trying to trick people, It probably M-Powered too ...lol
Actually. I doubt you're bothering him in the least. As for questions answered... Refer to the VERY FIRST REPLY:
This is to help you with finding shit
look for the thing that says "Sneap Search" and bookmark it
Dude ... seriously? You are calling HIM an amature and you use a Profire 2626 ..... LOL
Look at your gear list:
-M-audio Profire 2626 <<<< HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
-Tascam US-2400 Control surface <<< Wow an ancient control surface
-Avid Pro Tools 8, << PT 8 was not Avid it was Digidesign, so stop trying to trick people, It probably M-Powered too ...lol
-Cockos Reaper 3.66, << Really? Why?
-Waves - Yet none of your monitors cost over $400 each and you have a $400 interface. Do you really expect me to believe you paid over $4000 for plugins? Get your software stealing ass the fuck out of here.
-Melodyne DNA,
-Steven Slate Drums,
-Amplitube, << Sucks - nuff said
-Brainworx Plug-ins,
-Massey Plugins
Rack Hardware
daking <<<< HAHAHAHAHH YEA RIGHT! Along with you $4000 worth of Waves...LOL
m-audio <<< YUP its PT8 is M-Powered ...lol
Neumann, senheisser, shure, rode..lots <<, Really and you run them through that shit profire .... uggh Fucking amatures
You really have no fucking clue who you are dealing with here do you. Dont try and impress us with your gear. Impress us with your mixes. no-one gives a fuck about your gear. ITS WHAT YOU DO WITH THE GEAR YOU HAVE that counts .... So till you start posting quality mixes or advice just shut up.
-Waves - Yet none of your monitors cost over $400 each and you have a $400 interface. Do you really expect me to believe you paid over $4000 for plugins? Get your software stealing ass the fuck out of here.[/COLOR}