What do you drive?

A cute lil 1999 Saturn SL..like this, only grey :)

Me too, Lutz. I have a $600 Cannondale Gemini 2000. I love it. I have plans to soon get a 2001 Nissan Xterra in yellow, but I need a bit more money.
We drive a Volkswagen Golf, GTI. 1987. Aubergine, fire 'n ice interior. It's lowered, and has got sport-wheels. Nevermore stickers here and there..hehe ;)
I used to like out Volkswagen Beetle more..peach-colored, 1967. Lowered, sport-wheels and it had a Porsche-block in it!
Haha, i loved these times at the traffic light when some people, in their "fat" BMW's thought they could beat us...damn, we were gone before they could even blink their eyes!! (even better..the look at their faces when you meet them at the next traffic light...):devil:
Ok, no pictures but wanted to share this anyway..

xxx Iris xxx
Well, when i started driving, i had this car (in communion with my mum) it's very famous (at least here in Europe) to be a hippie car (even if my mum wasn't a hippie, but she always liked this car: it's called CITROEN 2CV):

(the pic is not of my car, i took it from a website)
Then when the dear 2CV died 2 years ago, we bought this Honda (the model is called Logo, and mine is ALL BLACK):

This one is simply TOO yellow! a metal car must be black :D
And finally, this one is my bike (the pic still is not of my real one, because i never photographed it, so i took it from a site), i have it since i was 16 and is not very powerful but in the summer i use it more than the car and is very cool to ride:

When i will have some money, i will buy myself a true big black bike and ride like a mad :D

I drive a 1999 Black Dodge Dakota R/T. One of those rides I fell madly in love with when I first turned on the ignition. Too bad it's not a stick, otherwise, it's perfect.

*sigh* :)

Yes, it's my lean mean red bicyclingmachine. The sidewheels got off last week. Can you image me driving with 3 wheels in stead of 5 ? I know, I'm in heaven too. Gonna repaint it 'tho. Maybe attatch some spoilers...

PS. Cars stink :)