What do you Sneapsters do as day jobs?

i just bought a 90 year old house in june, and have spent a couple thousand already at work

Fantastic! Mine is a 115 year old, but the seller just flipped it. Refinished the hardwood floors and original trim, put in new tile kitchen, updated baths, bed carpeting. Basically, I got a brand new home that was built in the 1800s! Pretty stoked about it. My wife loves older homes.

all of the major stuff in my house was already updated...roof, siding, furnace, etc. but the cosmetic stuff - kitchen/bath, paint, carpet are all ancient

Hey I am (or better was) as well. Where`re you from and how`s the industry doing there ?
I`m in Germany and the printing industry hit the bottom, I lost my job in the summer and have been searching since.
Now I consider to start over again and maybe study graphics or such, try to use those plugin GUIs for ABG and TSE as door opener...
well from what most sneapsters claim is that you can learn alot more by trial and error and using the giant pool of knowledge that this site provides than spending 16-100 grand on school. Correct me if im wrong but this is what i have heard on this forum

depends. I like having both :heh: it does cost, but I do get a piece of paper that allows me to work in a lot of related industries.
Hard working musician here :) But sometimes I´m dreaming of being a lumberjack in Canada. Without handy, facebook and all this shit. Just my guitar and me.

Fuck yes Felix, but you'd have to have some sort of internet access so you could still post on here :D

And I got my BS in Geography (concentrating in Land Use Planning) this past May, but haven't been able to find a steady job, so I just started taking a couple of classes in the IT field this semester at my local community college (extremely well-funded and staffed, however, since it's for Westchester County), hopefully that'll prove to make me a bit more employable! :(
Pretending to know something about playing guitar and teaching alienated looking teenagers who pretend to want to learn it.
Selling a Cd every two months.
Paralegal at Prosecutor's Office in New Jersey, homicide squad. I deal with three of the most violent cities in NJ, weeeee!

I help relocate witnesses and victims of violent crimes. I also write warrants for the surrounding local and some Federal police departments to search cellphones, email accounts, social networking sites.

Next step is either another boring office job or applying to be a deputy US Marshal. Gonna be interning at a recording studio in NJ very soon.

I'm a field engineer for an oilfield services company in southern Louisiana. We primarily perform well cementing jobs on new oil and gas wells, but occasionally will plug old wells/perform remedial jobs on existing wells. Right now I'm primarily doing land and inland waters but hope to be moving to an offshore position later this spring/summer.


Work for a company who is subcontracted by the Fed Gov., doing XML conversion of tech/repair/troubleshooting manuals for equipment and or vehicles (in this case, we are currently on contracts for manuals of NAVY Aircraft and support equipment used for repairing them). So I basically convert these manuals from paper (scanned as pdf) and convert them to data modules, via XML, to be used as an IETM (Interactive Elecronic Technical Manual) for instant access to information i.e. while on an aircraft carrier. Sounds grand, it's really like reading the phone book on a daily basis. :D
I've been at this job for a year now. First 'tech' job I've ever had. Before that, I was a Juvenile Corrections Officer for 2 years, and a Mental Health Worker at a childrens/adolescent lockdown treatment facility for a year and a half before that...so it was all about security and being a meat head before my current job.

I also teach beginner/intermediate guitar lessons at a local music store 2 days a week. Play in my band, which isn't lucrative whatsoever. Do the occasional recording gig...and sometimes run sound for bands when they come through, often requiring me to kick whoever off the board because they really don't know what they are doing. I don't really think I know what I'm doing, but if I'm having to kick them off their board, it's not a good thing.
Im currently an "apprentice" at a Piano restoring shop/Music Shop.
I do everthing from selling shitty 200$ strat copies to dumb people, to shaping and polishing ivory for piano keys! ;)
I don't have a day job ;) I have a evening/night job :)

I work for THE largest musical company in the Netherlands (also in some other countries in Europe) which is Stage Entertainment. I work for the touring version of Mamma Mia (speaking of rock 'n roll) as a technician. My main duty is followspotting, we have 3 followspots and i am one of the main followspotters, i'm pretty much swinging around between the three. I'm also the replacing Assistent Stage Manager on the floor, if the main ASM has a day off or is sick then i'm automatically the ASM for the show.