What do you Sneapsters do as day jobs?

I got fired (long story) but i used to work for a company that was contracted by the Department of State. I was a Customer Service Rep for the NPIC (National Passport Information Center) I was the guy you got when you called 1-877-487-2778. WOOH! Btw, ask me before you get a passport. It's so FUCKED UP how they tell you it will go/cost, and what it really is.
I'm currently a Human Resources Specialist handling workers compensation and FMLA. Not exactly what I expected to be doing after college but I love it.

Now that's fucking metal!
my time is split 50/50 between going to college and getting wasted while listening to/playing music
College mathematics courses pay the bills - this semester I'm tutoring (read: sitting in the tutoring lab, doing whatever I want because apparently I'm scary) and teaching developmental algebra and calculus recitations.

I'm the commercial sales manager for a regional Internet Service Provider. I mostly work directly with customers, negotiate contracts, work on marketing materials, and help out with service development.

I've been working for ISPs since I graduated from college (1997) which practically makes me an old man in this industry :)

dude! get me a job!! i'm in brighton, getting my CCNA soon.
I work in customer support at amazon.com which means I field questions from all over the world from our outsourced Customer Service reps about products. I make sure we don't let too many defective items get through and I hate J.K. Rouling for no other reason than dealing with millions of her books. And other tasks like making sure the storage architecture of the building is accurately represented and handle outlandish inventory control ad hoc changes.

I also record my band as well as other bands for our start-up recording label Cephlopod Records (yes I know there is a letter missing).
I'm studying EE full time, work as a cook in a Mexican restaurant part time, do backline gigs as a freelance kind of thing, record my friends' bands and play in 2 other bands.
Food industry sucks.