What does your world look like?

I often daydream, i never dream the same things...my dream-world changes every day, it's hard to explain, but sometimes i dream a "better life",sometimes i dream a very sad and bleak world thinking that it reflects me,that i could feel fine in a world as sad as me..i don't know why...i must be crazy! ;)
(sorry for the terrible english!):rolleyes:
Music is another way for me to go into "my own" world. It doesnt matter if I listen to DT, AE, IF or if I listen to Steevie Ray or B.B. King, but when im listening to music nothing else really matters, the music basically becomes me and I become the music (if that doesnt sound too insane).

Nick(not an insane person)
well in the Spanish translations it is "Universidad Invisible" so I understood you perfectly, though I think Unseen gives it a better description of the place itself...
I had to start reading Pratchett in English since there's just 15 of his books translated in Spanish, and I needed mooooore Ooook? ;)

- red_beef (world consist of one black box with two holes
serve as windows)

ehmmmm I have heard strange things about windows, such as ineficient and unprotected operative system, but "two holes" is way too far ;) :p

fathervic (windows IS an OS) :p
ok, with my habit in fortifying (final_vision TM) I fortify my braincells asking you, people of the world (at least the part of it that have access to internet) how is it in your language....
your windows IS windows 9(x)/ME/2000/XP/whatever
your windows ARE windows 9(x)/ME/2000/XP/whatever

fathervic (IS)
Originally posted by FatherVic
well in the Spanish translations it is "Universidad Invisible" so I understood you perfectly, though I think Unseen gives it a better description of the place itself...
In italian it's "Università invisibile" (terrible, the "Università Occulta" in the DW videogame italian version is only slightly better than that) but sure nothing can match the original names. PTerry has to be read in english, for sure :)

Btw... how many of the ppl on the board, other than me, rahve, LadyCal and FV (glad to know you're in the party, btw :grin: )enjoy reading the master of english humour fantasy? :)

Alfred (HO HO HO)
In MY language it is ARE....windows is a plural word and thus it is accompanied by verb in plural

BUT when we are refering to our OS,we say "my OS IS windows" obviously because the subject is in singular....

kinda logic :grin:
btw,mark the difference:
My windows are 98
My OS IS windows/linux/whatever

now let's see what the rest will say ;)

~mel~(where is my prize? :p)
I say that my pc would crash immediately, supposing my windows were 98 :grin:

Here in italian "Windows" is a singular word (considered as the short form of "the OS named 'Windows'"), and is kept as such, not translated at all with the italian (plural) word "finestre" corresponding to the english "Windows"

Alfred (my pc would be glad to reward anyone, provided he doesn't have t open 98 windows :rolleyes:)



My windows are nice
My 'Windows' is 98

Alfred ('are words' are words :grin:)
Originally posted by LadyCal

Why isn't there a Pratchett Forum?:confused:

now that i think of it, even though a terry pratchett forum might be too peculiar for a metal-related site, a fantasy forum could be worth a try.... hmmm.... maybe next week i'll tell mark about this. :spin:
thanx for the suggestion! :)

My own Forum is without any special topic,maybe there's a change someday.
Several Fansites of Pratchett readers have Forums but they are often killing the stories and the fun by talking about almost every word used in the text...:cry:
Originally posted by LadyCal
Several Fansites of Pratchett readers have Forums but they are often killing the stories and the fun by talking about almost every word used in the text...:cry:
Whereas we, being already on a deeper degeneration level, talk about every word used in every post here on the board. I doubt it could reach worse levels, anyway: maybe we could ask Mark :grin:

Alfred (pro UltimatePratchett forum :spin:)
okay, i stand convinced. i promise that, if duty does not get in the way too much, i'll be good and become a pratchett fan myself.

hyena (now that's an obligation)
Originally posted by hyena
okay, i stand convinced. i promise that, if duty does not get in the way too much, i'll be good and become a pratchett fan myself.

hyena (now that's an obligation)

:hotjump: :notworthy :notworthy

heavy metal is stronger than i thought. :grin:

rahvin. (now that's a bubububu)
it's not heavy metal. it's called "bubububu", ie the tendency to seek attention whatever the topic of discussion. i cannot be a star in a thread or a forum about something i do not know, so i'll study.

hyena (alura bu bu bu bu bu)
i'd like to read this terry pratchett too, if only i had the time, wasn't lazy and had some books :err:

@Mel: btw, u said "windows IS an OS", plz be more careful next time u want to support an argument :p
@all: in greek, we don't use the greek word "parathyra" instead of the word "windows" but we still refer to it/them (:p) as in plural.
I guess to escape from the shit of life, whether it be a bad day in school, family or some girl, i just blast my music....it clears my head a little. There's alcohol too, but doing too much makes ya feel like shit anyway.......It's music that saves me, without it, i think i'd be in a sanitarium somewhere with a tight straight jacket on.:grin:
oh....a Pratchett forum :cry: if that happens I won't have time to be here, I won't have time to study, I won't have time to work....actually....in all senses, ways and fields....I won't have time!

fathervic (who has seen Pratchett beating Salvatore, and over the bridge of Moria, beating allmighty Tolkien)