What happened to this forum?


Feb 3, 2016
I know this might sound a bit grouchy but what I am reading on this forum from 2011 and back is pure gold! I mean besides the crazy amount of well known enginners giving advice, there were a lot of really interesting topics and opinions taking place REALLY often. I dont want to be rude but thats not anywhere close to what is happening right now. Very few interesting topics and very few people participating anymore, did the bedroom warriors bored the crap out of the enginners of this forum or what?
I think it's a combination of a few things. I think the 'bedroom warriors' started flooding this forum in the past few years like crazy which drove a lot of people out. There is an insane amount of knowledge hidden in the years of this forum and it can all be found with the search bar. However people seem to rather just post a new thread asking the same questions over and over. I barely ever go on this forum anymore to be honest, I only ever login when I'm sharing new mixing files or looking to buy some gear. With that being said there isn't really any alternatives. There are some private discussion boards that a lot of dudes go on now because it keeps the new guys from posting in the way I just mentioned, but you wouldn't be able to find those publicly.

I think it's also a bigger interest in mixing now as well. There is a combination of technology (VST quality) and also this big new education effort that I see from a lot of big engineers (Joey Sturgis, Jordan Valeriote, Eyal Levi, Joel Wanaseck, Andrew Wade, Brian Hood) that is driving more and more people to learn the craft and teach themselves. Not sure what the future of professional audio holds if you're not one of the bigger AE's, but it's cool to see passionate people spreading knowledge.

Also, people were saying what you're saying even back when I joined in 2009 (cause Sneap used to post back in 2006 I think?), so it's a steady decline :D
In the back of my head I've always assumed it happened when Joey got his own subforum, so he posted in here less and less and people started migrating over there. There are also more places to hang out, like SSO or the various metal/recording Facebook groups.

I still have Backline and F.O.H in my daily bookmark folder, but there's probably only one thread a week between them that I even open, much less comment on.
Noticed the same. I have been stalking the forum for many years, being active only in the last 2 years. I've noticed that there are probably only 5 to 6 ppersons being active. A lot of people post on the Practice Room to ask for feedback on their mix, but they do not participate at all to any other discussion.

As for the noobs like me not using the search tool, I don't know. I think people are quite prompt on saying "it's all been discussed before". A lot of times, people have actually used the search bar, did find partial answers, but there are still some specific details that they want to discuss. As a new guy, it's almost stressful to post something sometimes, as some people tend to be a bit salty about certain topics that were discussed a lot in the past. This is, of course, not a general rule. I think most people here (or those left) are really helpful.

I can understand up to a certain point that too many newcomers pushed a lot of people away, but then I can't fully get it. I think it shouldn't be the case. And it is probably caused by both sides. Newcomers not having enough initiative to find some answers on their own, and some veterans being perhaps easily annoyed by newcomers.

My 2 cents really, feel free to disagree.
Well, I discovered the forum few months ago so I didnt really experience any real saltiness yet but I have noticed similar decay in other forums (not audio related) because of many newcomers. I got to say though that is really annoying that the same subject (ie "how to get the right guitar tone") is being brought up again and again and im not referring to asking specific things because I noticed that people do help in these occasions. Its the absence of any interesting topic that bothers me most and when something comes up (ie the very intersting topic machinated started about the extensive focus on mixing) its the 5-6 people Hugues mentioned that actually participate. At least I have another 250 pages from the past to read :p but from the other hand it kinda makes me sad to see one so "in-depth" forum becoming just another one "regular" boring forum
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Also, with all the softwares that exist, it's getting quite easy to mix a song in your bedroom (without any vocals). You have amps plug-ins with IRs, drum samples, etc. You chain all that and you have something that is almost already mixed/processed. There is little work left to do I think. It gets a lot harder when you mic your cab and your drums. There is probably 100 times more work involved.

So, old school guys that do the full package are probably moving to other forums (where I wonder?), where they discuss together about those complicated recording methods.

But, on the other hand, can you really be surprised about the use of plugins instead of the real thing? It's so easy and a lot less expensive... So for me it's an inevitable transition.
Also, with all the softwares that exist, it's getting quite easy to mix a song in your bedroom (without any vocals). You have amps plug-ins with IRs, drum samples, etc. You chain all that and you have something that is almost already mixed/processed. There is little work left to do I think. It gets a lot harder when you mic your cab and your drums. There is probably 100 times more work involved.

So, old school guys that do the full package are probably moving to other forums (where I wonder?), where they discuss together about those complicated recording methods.

But, on the other hand, can you really be surprised about the use of plugins instead of the real thing? It's so easy and a lot less expensive... So for me it's an inevitable transition.
Well, concerning the last part of your post, I can partially be surpised cause micing a cab offers a lot more than IRs and amp sims since you have almost endless mic choices and endless micing positions and each combination provides unique tones. What does suprises me for real though is when real amps and mics techniques are compared to amp sims and IR's in order to support the amp sims (!!). As far as the 1st part of your post, Antonio mentioned that there are private groups and forums where the old guys are hanging. I hope someone gives their places away :P
A lot of people post on the Practice Room to ask for feedback on their mix, but they do not participate at all to any other discussion.

The saddest part of this is that the some of those exact same people do not even comment on other mix feedback-threads themselves, that's why I don't even really bother posting there anymore (quid pro quo, it's not really that hard). The other thing that really ruins is it are those fucking crit my mix practice cover songs that they didn't even record themself, I personally would much rather give people feedback on songs that actually matter to some people, original songs are a huge plus for me.

Maybe I sound a bit bitter here, but I couldn't care much less anymore.
The saddest part of this is that the some of those exact same people do not even comment on other mix feedback-threads themselves, that's why I don't even really bother posting there anymore (quid pro quo, it's not really that hard).

So true... I get that there are a lot of "Critique my mix" requests and that you can't go and comment on each one, but making an effort to comment a couple here and there is nice, especially when you have requested yours to be critiqued.

I tend to try and comment, as you said, original songs, especially if I see that they have something like "0 comments - 99 views". Sucks that 99 people listened to it and didn't bother saying anything.
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I miss Andy posting here... As well other old members.
I miss some rage as well (Gareth, CharlesGWall and "his" drumsamples)
I've been here since 2008, got a new account in 2010... I really miss the old days
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these days there's a lot more bedroom dudes who have no ambition to record with actual mics/bands/good rooms or working with other people. also a shit ton of people trying to make a buck selling samples/kemper profiles/whatever else.

also, a lot of things have been discussed over the years so its hard not to cover the same ground......there seems to be less discussion/advancement on techniques now than before. (christ I've been coming to this site since 2005)
I've made some lasting friendships from coming here and learned quite a bit from the discussions here. I don't have a bad thing to say about it, I enjoyed it. Having said that, there are other places I go to get mix feedback these days that are far more receptive and forthcoming with critiques.
...CharlesGWall and "his" drumsamples)...
I remember that, what a fucking shitstorm that was. Amazing watching it unfold

...also a shit ton of people trying to make a buck selling samples/kemper profiles/whatever else.
+infinity. Everyone is trying to make a quick buck nowadays with their half baked bullshit samples and software (not all are bad, but you know what I mean)
I've made some lasting friendships from coming here and learned quite a bit from the discussions here. I don't have a bad thing to say about it, I enjoyed it. Having said that, there are other places I go to get mix feedback these days that are far more receptive and forthcoming with critiques.

what are those places?

This forum is pretty dead now. It´s sad very sad, I learned almost all I know here but it was a mix of elements that brought this forum to the current situation. One that has been said, it´s that nowadays there is a lot of information everywhere and it´s hard to beat formats like youtube, where people can learn with videos. Youtube have everything, probably even your neighbour in lingerie or your metal demo that you did 10 years ago that you keep in the loft locked with seven keys.
Indeed, it's disheartening to see that this place has been abandoned. I too, learned invaluable info from this forum. Got here in 2011 (seems like yesterday) and at that time, I had difficulty keeping up with every new thread. Now it's almost surprising if there's a new one in a month!

Like it's been said, it's probably because of social media and all the nobodies giving their fucking useless opinions. Maybe some day, people will be sick of skimming through infinite amounts of half-researched crap and the need to have valuable info from qualified people will re-appear. In the meanwhile, I'll continue to post here when I hit a wall, I know there are always a few gents lurking ready to help out.

Concerning other production forums, gearslutz seem to be pretty active. It's just infortunate that it isn't specialised in a specific style like here.
Like it's been said, it's probably because of social media and all the nobodies giving their fucking useless opinions. Maybe some day, people will be sick of skimming through infinite amounts of half-researched crap and the need to have valuable info from qualified people will re-appear. In the meanwhile, I'll continue to post here when I hit a wall, I know there are always a few gents lurking ready to help out.

Concerning other production forums, gearslutz seem to be pretty active. It's just infortunate that it isn't specialised in a specific style like here.

My question would be, if you don't mind me asking, who do you need to be to give your opinion on this forum???
what are those places?

Facebook groups, other forums (not specifically metal-related) and several guys I know personally who are pros at mixing/mastering. If you're fairly social on the internet it's not hard to find a decent ear to help out.
I feel you, been reading this forum for sooo long (I'm 22 right now, I think I started reading it at about 16-17), at that time I didn't want to participate as I felt I would not post anything helpful/relevant and didn't want to pollute the forum with what I think killed it now : bedroom mixes on covers with allways the same drums samples, IRs etc, which to be honest no one gives a fuck about!
Don't get me wrong, without that period of trial and errors and poor mixes I've done myself I wouldn't have had the opportunity to begin working with real bands and gained experience that fast/young, but I really keep thinking at that level it is far more a question of developping the sense of what is a good mix and what is not, and I don't think it's something that can be really acquired by talking to others.
Anyway now I read about everything that is posted on the forum, but I really do not always comment mostly because most of the music posted is not really my cup of tea (I'm far more of a old school metal guy), but if there is an interesting topic (at least one that interests me that is) I'll try to answer, as I really don't want to let this place die until I've had the ocasion to "repay my debt" to it for all the invaluable knowledge I gathered and still gather here.
I'm really trying to step away from drum programming etc, will definitely get to reamp for real (I own a Kemper, but I juste want to learn, it gives you just so many more options and skill!), because I really just want to learn everything I can about sound engineering, so who knows, maybe at some point I might be of some help ah ah!

Well that was a lot of self centered bullshit, hope you won't mind, but I thought as I've been quite late to the party as I did not post my exeprience could be of some use...

On the other hand I don't think the problem comes from "nobodies giving their fucking opinion", from what i've seen people using ampsims/kemper/axe fx/whatever do not give any opinion when it comes to reamping (to use your example).
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