what happens to bush now?


Sep 26, 2005
New York City and Around
like wtf the guy has been in the band for awhile now and they kick him out? WE'VE come for you all is like my 3rd fav anthrax album, so will never get to see any of these songs live again? we only hear among the living crap that we've heard a million times!:zombie:
IntoPhagist said:
like wtf the guy has been in the band for awhile now and they kick him out? WE'VE come for you all is like my 3rd fav anthrax album, so will never get to see any of these songs live again? we only hear among the living crap that we've heard a million times!:zombie:
I feel your pain, want Bush back so bad and want to hear those great songs again. Still have hope...
Who knows, Charlie said something about the next album sounding something like WCFYA....so who knows? He said he misses those songs too. Maybe the reunion is winding down finally.
i love joey as much as the next guy but i too would rather see bush in anthrax...i have a feeling new songs with joey will blow goats
Deege said:
Who knows, Charlie said something about the next album sounding something like WCFYA....so who knows? He said he misses those songs too. Maybe the reunion is winding down finally.

I wonder what Charlie is hinting at with that comment about combining ATL and WCFYA?? Hmmmmm
APart from the fact that I hope I'll be hearing among the living for the rest of ANTHRAX's carreer I hope Bush will reform AMORED SAINT on a permanent basis. I always liked them, though not as much as ANTHRAX. But to me that would be killer since I have ANTHRAX back and I have AMORED SAINT back!
I don't think Bush is a good president at all.


Wrong Bush.
Ultimately I suppose it will come down to whichever vocalist Scott and Charlie think will make them the most cash. No offence to Scott or Charlie if they read that, it just seems that's how it's going to me.
Obviously we don't know all the ins and outs of it all, so it may be unfair to jump to a conclusion like that, but that's the way it seems.
I've bought every album the guys have released and I suppose I'll buy the next one as well, no matter who sings on it.
I've been a passenger on the Anthrax express since they first left the station. When the split came I was saddened and pretty convinced that one of the best, if not the best, groups in the history of music was finished. Then we get SOWN, I was blown away. New sound, EVERYWHERE. New attitude. New direction. I was more than satisfied. I was very familiar with John and his abilities and in my opinion he brought more than a breath of fresh air to Anthrax, he brought the voice that Scott had been writing for.

There isn't an Anthrax album that I don't like. Everyone stands on its own merits as an awesome piece of music. While I missed Dan and Joey due to the fact that I'd been a fan since the beginning and there's always that nostalgia, I was completely satisfied with the band. It seemed to me that their direction not only suited the music, but it suited them as well. Having seen them more times than I can remember through the years, I always thought that they were in the perfect zone during the Bush years.

Here's a few questions that I have...

How much of the Bush years music are we going to hear?
How long will Dan be able to tolerate Anthrax music that pretty much tells him that his religion is a joke?
Who among you have seen them since the reunion?

I have not had the opportunity yet and these things concern me as to what I am going to hear when I go see them this summer.

Has anyone heard Joey sing "What Doesn't Die?", "Crush?", or "Killing Box?"

Anyway, to answer the thread starter's question; Bush will be fine and Armored Saint will be the better for having him back.
Scorpion6 said:
I've been a passenger on the Anthrax express since they first left the station. When the split came I was saddened and pretty convinced that one of the best, if not the best, groups in the history of music was finished. Then we get SOWN, I was blown away. New sound, EVERYWHERE. New attitude. New direction. I was more than satisfied. I was very familiar with John and his abilities and in my opinion he brought more than a breath of fresh air to Anthrax, he brought the voice that Scott had been writing for.

There isn't an Anthrax album that I don't like. Everyone stands on its own merits as an awesome piece of music. While I missed Dan and Joey due to the fact that I'd been a fan since the beginning and there's always that nostalgia, I was completely satisfied with the band. It seemed to me that their direction not only suited the music, but it suited them as well. Having seen them more times than I can remember through the years, I always thought that they were in the perfect zone during the Bush years.

Here's a few questions that I have...

How much of the Bush years music are we going to hear?
How long will Dan be able to tolerate Anthrax music that pretty much tells him that his religion is a joke?
Who among you have seen them since the reunion?

I have not had the opportunity yet and these things concern me as to what I am going to hear when I go see them this summer.

Has anyone heard Joey sing "What Doesn't Die?", "Crush?", or "Killing Box?"

Anyway, to answer the thread starter's question; Bush will be fine and Armored Saint will be the better for having him back.

Nice post
As far as im aware Joeys said that he's not interested in doing any of the Bushthrax stuff, however if they stick with this lineup the chioce may be taken out of his hands as both Scott and Charlie have made noises saying they miss that material.
I think Joey could be convinced to sing those songs (even if some don´t care for it), but if he refuse or the band decides not to do it then by all means disband. Whatever they feel about those 13 years if they continue to just play songs written between 1984 to 1990 they are a nostalgia act. I want some new stuff. Fine, do the ATL-gigs and get on with the next CD.
Hope Joey will never sing Bush era songs because i pray the God that Anthrax will play speed/thrash again, as they used to play with Joey... Bush is a great singer but Anthrax was made to play THRASH, not Bush era songs.. (just 4 money or 4 whatever).