What is it with DT bashers

^ Listen to Perfect Symmetry, particularly "At Fates Hands," and tell me DT didn't borrow a TON from FW. DT themselves even admit this. Though I agree, Kansas and Rush are in there as well (but also in FW, so...)

I don't agree with the Watchtower comparison, however. Both technical bands, but DT sounded and still sounds way different than they did. The only Watchtower influence I'd say survived by proxy, again, through FW, who was influenced by Watchtower.

You might be right about Queensryche, I just threw that in there because everyone seems to say that, but truth be told I have never been able to care much for them...

I've had Perfect Symetry since it was released in 89 the same year When Dream and Day Unite was released same year Control and Resistance was released, one year after Mindcrime and No Exit. Its all progressive metal but to my ears these bands have their own individual sound with Dream Theater raising the bar on technical along with Watchtower. Dominici did seem to come from the Arch school of singing, Alder and LaBrie have similiar tone and range. These were all sounds of the times, I mean I can point to Fates musical passages on Perfect Symetry (which Im listening to now)that correlate to old Dixie Dregs, Ponty or other 70's fusion. Early Fates is heavy on the Maiden side. That heavy atmospheric, droning, melancholic sound I always attributed to Queensryche but someone pointed back to a few Priest songs that predated Queensryche, myself I can dig back as far as certain Uriah Heep songs, Sabbath and even Floyd and find those sounds and moods. So yes theres a ton if influences in there for all bands by all bands, none of which diminish the value of what Dream Theater laid on us with Images and Words. I mean I'd heard all this other stuff long before Images and Words but my jaw still hung open in amazement, it was the first time I had been amazed like that since hearing Dixie Dregs Freefall back in the late 70's for overall compositions, tightness/syncopation and depth of the band.

I wanted to add that when I went to "The Chance" in 92 or 93 to see Dream Theater on their Images and Words tour that they were playing to a small crowd, the room was mostly wide open. It seems the genre had about 0 popularity at the time. Also something that was funny, there were some head banging metal heads there and they would get banging away, hair flying in the air and the band would do one of their timing changes and they would get all fucked up. You'd see them hesitate then stop then get back in the correct groove... but it wouldnt last long lol. This exemplifies why I always expect hardcore headbanging metal heads to bash Dream Theater, they cant take the rhythmic adversion and dont want to hear any of that slow touchy feely stuff like Take the Time or Wait for Sleep
Hey, Steve's back. Where ya been?

Hey Mark, thanks for noticing. fried the Dell trying to grab a free download off some out of print Siame (sp?) record someone over on "Oldschool" recommended for us Queensryche freaks. He put up a link from his own personal account, I guess I clicked on the wrong things, sent it into my files and wammo the hard drive is slower that a turtle, it takes about 45 minute just to start up, then about 2 minutes each to pull up a song to make a "song list" or get to my pictures or my lyric writtings... DAMN. CD/DVD player wont run. You name it its screwed up. I needed a break anyhow. I get on my daughter laptop occasionally now. So my recording came to a grinding halt too, my economy is bad enough I wont be looking into a new tower untill next summer at the earliest.
Hey Steve, did you try to reformat that PC? Just a suggestion, it might wipe out whatever broke your HDD. But, it'll also kill all the files on there so back them up first!
It would probably take weeks at its speed to back up those files. I should try it though, thanks. Unfortunantly I just dont know much about the things. Removeing that program that the music file I was trying to get came with didnt help. Two people that know more than myself about them have gone through it and cant find anything. Norton doesnt find anything, Stopzilla doesnt find anything. I'll talk to my one buddy about doing the reformat.
I've had Perfect Symetry since it was released in 89 the same year When Dream and Day Unite was released same year Control and Resistance was released, one year after Mindcrime and No Exit. Its all progressive metal but to my ears these bands have their own individual sound with Dream Theater raising the bar on technical along with Watchtower. Dominici did seem to come from the Arch school of singing, Alder and LaBrie have similiar tone and range. These were all sounds of the times, I mean I can point to Fates musical passages on Perfect Symetry (which Im listening to now)that correlate to old Dixie Dregs, Ponty or other 70's fusion. Early Fates is heavy on the Maiden side. That heavy atmospheric, droning, melancholic sound I always attributed to Queensryche but someone pointed back to a few Priest songs that predated Queensryche, myself I can dig back as far as certain Uriah Heep songs, Sabbath and even Floyd and find those sounds and moods. So yes theres a ton if influences in there for all bands by all bands, none of which diminish the value of what Dream Theater laid on us with Images and Words. I mean I'd heard all this other stuff long before Images and Words but my jaw still hung open in amazement, it was the first time I had been amazed like that since hearing Dixie Dregs Freefall back in the late 70's for overall compositions, tightness/syncopation and depth of the band.

I wanted to add that when I went to "The Chance" in 92 or 93 to see Dream Theater on their Images and Words tour that they were playing to a small crowd, the room was mostly wide open. It seems the genre had about 0 popularity at the time. Also something that was funny, there were some head banging metal heads there and they would get banging away, hair flying in the air and the band would do one of their timing changes and they would get all fucked up. You'd see them hesitate then stop then get back in the correct groove... but it wouldnt last long lol. This exemplifies why I always expect hardcore headbanging metal heads to bash Dream Theater, they cant take the rhythmic adversion and dont want to hear any of that slow touchy feely stuff like Take the Time or Wait for Sleep

Ah ok, thank you for your insights. I wasn't listening at the time prog metal was being developed (too young of course), so I only have retrospect to go by. So I would be interested in hearing Dixie Dregs and comparing. But yeah, I agree, you can form a sound that's truly unique even if it's packed with influences...the amount of power metal bands that seem to cover Uriah Heep songs speaks to that, I think.

Trying to headbang to Dream Theater when hearing it for the first time does seem like it would be fun to watch. But I think the attitudes have changed - I saw quite a few Dream Theater shirts in high school from your typical red-blooded metalheads. I mean hell, if you know when the time change is coming since you've heard the song before, it almost makes headbanging even better. Or maybe it's just because Dream Theater are trying to be more macho these days.
It would probably take weeks at its speed to back up those files. I should try it though, thanks. Unfortunantly I just dont know much about the things. Removeing that program that the music file I was trying to get came with didnt help. Two people that know more than myself about them have gone through it and cant find anything. Norton doesnt find anything, Stopzilla doesnt find anything. I'll talk to my one buddy about doing the reformat.

Yeah, you got one of two problems:

1. Some kind of virus. Reformatting obliterates all life on the drive, including viruses.
2. HDD failure. Reformatting will let you know that this is the problem if it doesn't work. If that's the case, you're still okay cause you've backed up your files and just need a fresh drive to stash them on.
So I would be interested in hearing Dixie Dregs and comparing.

I would have to be there to point out exact passages or you wouldnt get it I think. The Dregs combined elements (depending on the song) of bluegrass, funk and rocked out with it. Some slower stuff was possibly whats called contempary classical with maybe a Irish, Celtic or Appalacia folk feel. Check out a song called Night Meets Light my favorite of that style by them. Sounds a bit like that intro to whatever song that is on Perfect Symetry that has the Violin on it. They show minimal jazz feel like most fusion bands did but there are a few songs that are pretty much fusion sounding. Steve Morse gets all the composition credit but its hard to believe given the talent of the other players that they didnt have their input especially on their own parts. The band covered alot of sounds on one album but to me seemed to be rehashing after the first two records. What If and Freefall to me are must haves for the progressive musically inclined.

Dream Theater has covered Dregs songs and its interesting how Night Meets Light and When Dream and Day Unite rhyme and mean basically the same thing... not that there is anything similiar between that particular song and DTs album. You might find some decent stuff on youtube, Im not sure its been awhile since I looked for them there and it was minimal at that time.
Ken, does this backup mean I have to put them on CD's or just do the backup Norton has been begging me to do ?
CDs, DVDs, a USB hard drive, whatever media you choose. If you have 2 drives in your PC, with enough space, you can even just copy them to the second drive.
Heres Dixie Dregs "Odyssey" from "What If" released in 1978........

Thanks again Ken
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I would have to be there to point out exact passages or you wouldnt get it I think. The Dregs combined elements (depending on the song) of bluegrass, funk and rocked out with it. Some slower stuff was possibly whats called contempary classical with maybe a Irish, Celtic or Appalacia folk feel. Check out a song called Night Meets Light my favorite of that style by them. Sounds a bit like that intro to whatever song that is on Perfect Symetry that has the Violin on it. They show minimal jazz feel like most fusion bands did but there are a few songs that are pretty much fusion sounding. Steve Morse gets all the composition credit but its hard to believe given the talent of the other players that they didnt have their input especially on their own parts. The band covered alot of sounds on one album but to me seemed to be rehashing after the first two records. What If and Freefall to me are must haves for the progressive musically inclined.

Dream Theater has covered Dregs songs and its interesting how Night Meets Light and When Dream and Day Unite rhyme and mean basically the same thing... not that there is anything similiar between that particular song and DTs album. You might find some decent stuff on youtube, Im not sure its been awhile since I looked for them there and it was minimal at that time.

I was checking out their Night of the Living Dregs album earlier today. Pretty cool stuff. I agree with the whole naming thing though, I thought the same thing with Helloween's Ride the Sky song compared to Metallica's Ride the Lightning...the band clearly heard and was influenced by that album/song, both the solos and rhythm guitar are very similar in some parts. It happens - maybe subconsciously, I don't know.

Anyways good band, thanks for the info, I will definitely be checking out more of them.

Edit: Oh and I forgot to say I thought the reason Fates Warning had such a big impact on DT even though the influences go back farther for both of them was that DT spent time in the studio with FW...first Kevin Moore and then James LaBrie, so I think their sound rubbed off on them more than anyone else.
Well there is only so many words and play on words for titles and lyrics and such so it stands to reason that some things happen by coincidence as well as subliminal or direct influence and trends

Fates and DT were both part of the N.East music scene too and I think there was a particular sound that came from the NE. Kinda like Thrash got its foothold on the West Coast, pop metal got its start on the Sunset strip. Southern rock from the south, the somewhat different sound of the country influenced rock from the mid west. The difference between Delta blues and Chicago blues, the Texas boogie like ZZ Top and SRV.

For whatever reason I have always seemed drawn to the east coast progressive bands, Fates, DT, SX, Savatage, Kamelot all being from somewhere on the east side of the states, with the odd exception of Queensryche.

Fates Changed thier sound considerably with Perfect Symetry and after, there is no questioning their importance or uniqueness. I personally have a hard time with their earlier stuff. Mark Zonder the drummer was also new to the band on Symetry.
Fates Changed thier sound considerably with Perfect Symetry and after, there is no questioning their importance or uniqueness. I personally have a hard time with their earlier stuff. Mark Zonder the drummer was also new to the band on Symetry.

Yeah, I love both eras. I pretty much stopped listening to Maiden once I heard early Fates.
Talking about DT, the new Devin Townsend album is awesome...


Yeah, I gave it one listen so far and I kinda like it. I don't know if it'll grow on me like Ki did. I feel Ki is a much better album overall.