What Is The Rarest/ Collectable You Own?

I've had them for a grand total of 7 days - got them from www.sentinelsteel.com. Denis got in a private collection and I was the first to request them - $25 each and they are in excellent shape. You might be in luck - it sounds like reprints may be in the works in the next few months. If the original company doesn't reprint it sounds like Sentinel Steel is attempting to secure the rights to reprint. I was told more might be coming on that in the next few weeks. Stay tuned...
2. The program from the last time I saw Jimi Hendrix - 4/20/1969.
Chris :rock:

Better yet you (hopefully) have the memory of this. That is fucking awesome! :rock:

Let's see here. I don't really know if I have anything that's all that rare. Maybe ...

I have Epica's We Will Take You With Us CD/DVD box signed by all the original members of the band at PP VII.

I have Doro's Calling the Wild (special edition in blue snake skin box; and I have suddenly realized that this is signed by Nick Douglas, but not Doro. I will probably try to rectify this when I see them at Jaxx in about two weeks. :rock:

I have also given Nick Monsters of Rock Programs from 1988 (Iron Maiden, KISS, David Lee Roth, Megadeth, Guns N' Roses, Helloween, The Bailey Brothers, Neal Kay) and 1992 (Iron Maiden, Skid Row, Slayer, W.A.S.P., The Almighty, Thunder) as gifts. I bought those off e-Bay though.
I'm not sure I would call any of this stuff rare - maybe hard to find - but it's the "rarest" I have:

Metallica - Jump In The Fire EP

Hmm, I'm wondering how rare this is now, too. I have an unopened, still shrink-wrapped copy of this.
For you Atlantans, the shrink-wrap still has an old "Price Code I" sticker on it from Turtles Records and Tapes. THAT might be worth more than the actual CD. :lol:
I completely forgot about this!

Around four years ago when Jon Schaffer asked me to write the Iced Earth biography, Loanna (then from Century Media) sent me a 9-CD set of Iced Earth CDs signed by the band (Jon on all of them, other band members on most of them). She said they'd been holding onto them and didn't know what to do with them and if anyone deserved them, it was me (because of my work with Jon).

The set consists of the original versions of:

Iced Earth
Night of the Stormrider
Burnt Offerings
The Dark Saga
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Horror Show
The Melancholy E.P.
Alive in Athens
Days of Purgatory

As a set, this is pretty rare stuff. :)

My most valued collectibles may not have much value to others. They trend towards items that relate to meeting the people they come from.

- A dollar bill, signed by all of Quiet Riot (circa 2000-ish), when Kevin was having all those money issues.
- A bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (now empty), handed to me by Zakk Wylde as he was playing
- Half a bar stool set on fire and hacked in two with a chainsaw, by Jesse James Dupree of Jackyl.
- Oh and my Savatage jacket. It's a black denim jacket with the cover art from "Handful of Rain" airbrushed on the back. I had Zak sign it at PPUSA last year.

- R
i have 5 different road cases used by KISS from 1977-1987. Wardrobe Case, two guitar effects racks, with various notes to Ace and Paul taped inside, a HUGE one that my sofa can fit in.
i got these for less that 100 a piece thru the Butterfields auction in 2000.
Anyone wanna but one? Please? please?