What is the worst thing someone ever said to you?

Misanthrope said:
And i mean stuff that really hurts.
i have a ton of that. in random order:

1 - same answer as the "best thing" question, because it was a lie.

2 - endless lithany of "i don't like how are you turning out" heard from my father at several points in my life, mostly during teen age. i don't like how i turned out either, but that's for different reasons.

3 - speaking about my father, during an argument two years ago he said "you're just waiting for me to grow old and weak so the balance of power is reversed". now, i am well acquainted with evil and all sorts of moral wreckage, still i'm not that bad.

4 - my university mentor (may his soul rest in peace) saying that i put such an effort in not looking attractive that i eventually pull it off. history tells me that he probably was right.

5 - i've been accused of being unable to love by a former boyfriend.

6 - all the times rahvin ever turned his sarcasm against me. a couple of specific circumsances from years ago come to mind, but i guess that's quite private.

7 - the content of the following scene, which has happened several times with several people: i'm out with a male friend, just me and him. i might or might not be interested in him. at some point, someone calls him on his cell. he says "i'm going to call you later because i'm with a friend now". in italian the word "friend" is gendered so the phrase sounds like "i'm with a female friend now". then the person on the other end of the line says something, which i don't hear but it obviously is "are you on a date?" or "do you like her?" or something. what i hear is a number of variations on the theme of "no", ranging from "no" accompanied by laughter to "no, god forbid".
eh, god forbid indeed.

just what i needed to improve my gloomy mood. :rolleyes:
Well, this is my kind of thread. I never knew what to post in its positive counterpart. In recent times, I've mostly been told bad things. Now, I don't count those uttered by people I couldn't care less about. What really hurts is when someone you like/love turns onto you. Sometimes you're amazed what people can do/say who you thought you knew well..or you who you thought liked/loved you. I'm not going to relate anything specific...I'd rather forget these things. But imagine being told that you're responsible for someone's illness, for someone's bad luck in life...or that you should go and die...or that you're the worst thing that happened to someone (when formerly you were the best thing)... I can't understand how love and affection can so radically and irreversibly turn to hate. I'm still unable to shield myself from such attacks...at least as
long as I harbour affection, even if it's not reciprocated.
not really in the mood to contribute, but I guess it would be hypocrital to post in the best compliment thread and not in this one. lots of things come to mind, but to keep away from that dangerous relationship side of things, I choose to share the worst things said to me by my family.
dad: "you will end up alone one day," he was upset because I didn't like the daughter of one of his friends.
mom (ahhhh I have so many to choose from): "poor guy you will ruin his life" when I was telling her about a guy I liked and how he was so cheerful and positive and happy.

the literature director also told me that i wasnt a worthy literature student.
i could go on but i'll cut the self-pity short here.
let's start with the soft ones:
well, i've been picked on a lot when i was a kid, and actually also in 1st year of high school for being ugly, it doesn't matter now because i just don't care and now i can tell that i can be ugly or hateful for those people, but there are no words to describe how they are in my mind. it hurt at the time though, mostly cause i was little and pretty much alone, and i guess a part of what i am now, especially in how much i suck in social/love relationships (no jokes please, i already figured them myself) is due to that. btw, i'm not trying to play the victim :p what i do is my fault and mine only, but that helped a bit.

the ones that hurt more were from people i cared for of course, more often they were actions instead of words but anyway they were pretty clear and they all said "you seemed good, turns out you're worth nothing". this hurt a lot cause actually i can't blame them.
Some guy called me a liar after I informed him his girlfriend was plotting to screw up my relationship and was screwing other things besides. The guy was a long lasting friend and he took her side against my loyal word. It's the fact that it killed me on the inside to know that my good friend was being fucked over by his girlfriend. I didnt want to tell him cos I didnt want to be the bringer of bad news. When I finally did he threw it back in my face and his girlfriend spent a year trying to fuck up my relationship for revenge. She failed miserably, her lies and rumours never went anywhere. They're still together, but me and the friend havent talked since. The fact that he never tried to fix the broken bond pissed me off aswell, then again there wasnt much left to mend by the time I'd finished breaking the ties.
I don't remember explicit cases of words that hurt me... the ones I recall were usually outburst of anger and out of misunderstandings (of course I'm talking of bad words told by people I care of... I don't give a damn of words spoken by people I don't love/like/esteem) and thus corrected and riconsidered.
maybe the worst words were the unsaid ones... a "thank you", a "I love you", a "fuck off!" (why not?) when I needed to hear them, but never uttered.
Oh shit, this one's easy:

"I don't love you."

Doesn't sound like much, huh? Oh yeah, missy, shitty idea for a thread.
"You'd be cute if you lost some weight."

Not the worst but what a fucking shallow and senseless thing to say.
@gp: why do you take so much offence at that? i mean - either it's true or it isn't (that you are overweight). if you are, the person is just stating a fact, and probably it would be good for your health to lose some. if you aren't, the person is lying, and in that case it's not shallow and sensless as much as unfounded....
Hyena: I dont think the issue is the weight, there would probably be plenty of women who want GP even if he is overweight, the fact remains that it's still a pretty shitty and shallow thing to say to someone. Also I dont think the person was looking at the health aspect of it, so then it remains a matter of opinion.

I dont know, I've had alot of crap talked to/about me over the years, I cant remember anything specific. Goes to show you how much it really hurt me :lol:.

Malaclypse said:
worst thing for me, it was "i am pregnant".

p.s.: she wasn't.
Woah, I can see how that would fuck you up. Scary shit :erk:

One guy once told this girl I liked at the time (who is now my partner in crime ;) ) That I was a terrible terrible person. He was my mate, and I had done nothing worng to deserve it. Either way, We're good mates again now. Still, a bit below the belt. Plus it made me question myself as I really valued his opinion alot of the time.
hyena said:
@gp: why do you take so much offence at that? i mean - either it's true or it isn't (that you are overweight). if you are, the person is just stating a fact, and probably it would be good for your health to lose some. if you aren't, the person is lying, and in that case it's not shallow and sensless as much as unfounded....

Probably the same reason it offended you so greatly that I said you look like a dude. Probably since the person knows it and doesn't need it thrown up in their face because it doesn't help anything...at all.

P.S. I don't think I'm too dangerously overweight if I can run, jump and do a handstand. I hardly think a little tummy flab will cause a heart-attack.

P.P.S. Either it's true or it isn't? You're so stupid. It can be true and shallow and senseless, it can be false and shallow and senseless. There's no point in saying "hey how are ya you should lose some weight merry xmas tldr" at all. I could go up to an AIDS patient and say "hey you've got AIDS 'cos you're a faggot/crack addict you should seek medical attention" and it would be the truth and maybe it'd be healthier for them to seek treatment, but I'd have no point in telling them, I'd only bring their mind back to something that's unpleasant for them and cause them unrest.

Or I could go up to you and say "hey you'd be attractive if you weren't bald" and it'd be a lie because you're not quite bald you just have short dude-ish hair, but it'd still be shallow and insensitive at the same time, and you'd have all the right in the world to take offense...matter of fact I think you should because you're stupid for not automatically knowing this and having to have it explained to you.
GreatPhoenix said:
Probably the same reason it offended you so greatly that I said you look like a dude.
wasn't offended. i just said i obviously am not the type of woman you're attracted to. which is okay, because i am shallow and superficial therefore i don't like overweight. just as you're shallow and superficial and you don't like short hair. but i see a double standard in your judgement.

GreatPhoenix said:
You're so stupid.
:lol: no, i'm not, as a matter of fact.

provide me with details of your education, your records as a published author, and a general idea of how much you make a year by working in research and i'll let you know how much you score, relatively speaking, on the "visible intellect" scale.
I can't think of anything that someone has said really hurting me.

Of course I've had arguments with my parents and with other people close to me, but I have always known that the things they say during those fights have been just angry words, not their real thoughts. Thus, they haven't really hurt me. And I have never been in such a relationship where I was truly hurt.

The only time I have been hurt by words that I can remember, was when I was less than 10 years old and my mother accused me of lying, when I really was speaking the truth. But even then, I guess the only reason I was hurt was because she didn't believe me - not because of the words she said. Ironically, I can't even remember what it was all about.

hyena said:
provide me with details of your education, your records as a published author, and a general idea of how much you make a year by working in research and i'll let you know how much you score, relatively speaking, on the "visible intellect" scale.
Not trying to question your intelligence, but I fail to see how any of those points you mention would prove anything about a person's relative intelligence/stupidity. This should probably go to another thread, but the one person I see as the most intelligent I have ever met, has no education beyond the compulsory school, has never published anything (although he happens to be an excellent writer), has never done any research and certainly has never earned much.

The proof of his "visible intellect" are the dozen plus people, who would be dead without him and the extremely intelligent discussions he has had with them when they were about to kill themselves. I wish I could someday reach his level of intelligence.

Yes well of course there are many different standards for 'intelligence', some more traditional than others. The funny thing is that Hyena didn't really NEED to prove her intellectual prowess to us. It generally speaks for itself. Perhaps it would have been more accurate of GP to say that hyena is not 'wise' (in the sense that she has not drawn the same (correct/incorrect) lessons from life experience in general). That's prolly about as close as you can get.

Of course wisdom is even more relative than intelligence, so it's not to say that she's wise or not, just depending on a more/less wise persons persective of her.
hyena said:
wasn't offended. i just said i obviously am not the type of woman you're attracted to. which is okay, because i am shallow and superficial therefore i don't like overweight. just as you're shallow and superficial and you don't like short hair. but i see a double standard in your judgement.

Actually, I do like short hair.


But I was stating the truth in that you look like a dude...because your hair is extremely close on the sides, plus you were wearing glasses and your skin is kind of bad from what I could see. Basically you had no feminine features about yourself, it wasn't an aesthetic assessment, it was a genuine misconception of your gender.

P.S. If you weren't offended why did you make a personal attack against me in your response (calling me "bratphoenix")? It's clear that you took offense, otherwise you'd have no point in saying that.

:lol: no, i'm not, as a matter of fact.

provide me with details of your education, your records as a published author, and a general idea of how much you make a year by working in research and i'll let you know how much you score, relatively speaking, on the "visible intellect" scale.

Whoa, talk about saving throw. "Oh noes, he thinks I'm stupid, I must prove myself instead of shutting up and learning my lesson!"

Your education, record as a published author and yearly wages are not enough to save you from making stupid comments on the internet. I guess this illustrates the grim truth in the separation between book smarts and common sense.
GreatPhoenix said:
P.S. If you weren't offended why did you make a personal attack against me in your response (calling me "bratphoenix")? It's clear that you took offense, otherwise you'd have no point in saying that.


Whoa, talk about saving throw. "Oh noes, he thinks I'm stupid, I must prove myself instead of shutting up and learning my lesson!"

Your education, record as a published author and yearly wages are not enough to save you from making stupid comments on the internet. I guess this illustrates the grim truth in the separation between book smarts and common sense.
I gave you a mildly negative nickname because you threw a stone at me (commenting on my looks in a sarcastic way) when i hadn't done anything to you at all. so i was just reacting, you provoked me after i did something which was not directed at you in any way (ie post a photo of myself in a picture thread).

as for the rest, i'm sorry that rahvin is too principled to ban you from here. i was remarking that you don't like stereotyping when it's about your weight but you do like it when it's about someone else's looks. this said, i think i am about 10 years older than you or something so i will not discuss the reciprocal level of aesthetic appreciation - there's just no common ground.

@villain: ok, ok, let it rest. everyone has their own standards when judging others' abilities and for all i care you can all go fuck yourselves along with your role models. i certainly wish i could.
GreatPhoenix said:
Your education, record as a published author and yearly wages are not enough to save you from making stupid comments on the internet.
...because it's the internet that really matters? I hope this was a joke on your part. :p (Not that I'm against you in this little discussion, nor "with" you either. But since Hyena's comment original education/wages comment was identified as being a little odd, this should be too. That will be all.)