What is your biggest musical guilty pleasure?


Dec 20, 2004
For me, it would have to be that i like Coldplay........and linkin park (not as much as i used to, but i dont mind them at all) please dont flame me :( im too young to die
Probably Linkin Park. I don't like them anymore, but I did when I first got into music, and I must say, I hate myself for every liking them.
Linking Park!!!! WTF!?!?!?! You Mo%#%&¤"#er... hahahaha :lol: Well my Guilty pleasure... I don't know really... I like twisted sister hahahaha :lol: in fact... I like Glam rock... they look very stupid but the music is cool (Kiss... I used to listen Kiss with my Dad when I was a Child... the good old times :))
Hmm... I'd have to say Saga. I really love them, even though they seem to be the laughing stock of the prog-art rock community. They were quite cheesy at some points in the eighties, but they came back hard in the 90's and never stopped putting out great albums since then.

Cheers !
BastardSonOfGod said:
Linking Park!!!! WTF!?!?!?!

Linkin* and yes i kinda do lol. They were the first form of metal i can recall liking. And if it wasnt for them, i probably wouldnt even be into metal. Cuz it started with them, then it led me to mushroomhead and korn (still in the nu metal era) then i fell in love with the deftones, then slipknot, then FINALLY someone was like "dude, wanna hear some really really heavy stuff?!!" im like dur ok. Yeah...If it wasnt for linkin park i'd probably be into pop-punk :erk:
If you'd asked me a year ago i'd have said there was fucking loads of music in my collection i'm emabarresed over, Manowar, Meatloaf, the Backstreet Boys, Madonna, Adam and the Ants. However these day i'm not embarressed, if i like i listen to it.

And there is nothing wrong with Linkin Park, Hybrid Theory i could listen to all day.
Goober said:
Linkin* and yes i kinda do lol. They were the first form of metal i can recall liking. And if it wasnt for them, i probably wouldnt even be into metal. Cuz it started with them, then it led me to mushroomhead and korn (still in the nu metal era) then i fell in love with the deftones, then slipknot, then FINALLY someone was like "dude, wanna hear some really really heavy stuff?!!" im like dur ok. Yeah...If it wasnt for linkin park i'd probably be into pop-punk

hahahaha don't worry man... It was a Joke... :lol: It's your guilty pleasure!
Finger Eleven. I think it's because I used to love them, and because listening to them again doesn't make me feel sick, I am instantly happy.
not guilty at all, in fact proud of it, but i'm sure i'd get flak for:

Third Eye Blind
The Goo Goo Dolls
Vertical Horizon
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Dido & Michelle Branch
need I go on?