What is your reason for living?


Sep 7, 2001
I would have to say my reason for living is to become a psychologist and help the people who truly need it. I would also hope to have a familly in the future, there is a reason for living.

By the way, I don't mean to become sappy on you all. I just want to have a better read on what is truly important in your lives.
Whether I was put on this earth for a reason, or I'm just here because - I have a life, and I will play it out to the end.

I have a family, children, a job, etc. - I don't live because of them - they live because of me.
I live to dream and to hope those things I have not seen,
to love and to be too loved by those I will to love,
to defy stars, the destinies that said NO! years ago.
to hope with immeasurable calm for all the things in the world
the things in this world I have left to do,
which includes laughing some more,
listening to music some more,
which includes writing poetry even when I suck at it.
I live to be free.
I live for music and love, and that's it....
I love music, and I love loving,
and I love being loved.

Also; as metalmancpa said;
I'm just here because - I have a life.
I'm just floating around....
I also find myself striving to experience two other riches of life, tomacco and interracial homoeroticism. :D
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
I would have to say my reason for living is to become a psychologist and help the people who truly need it.

I wanna become a psychologist,too...it's one of my dreams :)

i also live,cause I think I can strive for a better future,for living a life the way I want it...maybe something good will happen in the end....

and last but not least,i live for music and travelling..... wanna travel much and also learn many many languages...
just basically having fun, helping as many disadvantaged people as possible, improving other peoples life.....
i don't believe living for yourself is a good enough reason to live..
Well, I was born, and so here I am...

I don't really know, if there is something like a deeper sense or reason in our existence, and as there is no way to find out, I'm going to live my life and make the best out of it.
Now, of course, the problem is how to find this "best thing".
This is where I am right now in my life, and so I guess my personal reason to live is to find out my personal reason to live...
Im like a really big history buff, so I would like to go to college and get a degree in some of the following fields: history, archaeology, anthropology, ethinology, political science, sociology. That would be pretty easy for me, and term papers wouldn't be that big a deal, since I'm also very good with english and researching stuff.

So if I studied things that were easy to me, I could take more time and do stuff like play music and possibly form, or join, a band. I would love to have time to increase my musical skills. I would also like to travel around the world (if I had the money) and go to such places as Tibet, the Andes, the Urals, Scandinavia, the Mediterranean area, Mongolia, South America, Israel, and so forth. I could go on and on with places I like to visit (Im also a geography buff).

Eventually I would form my family. It would probably be an unconventional family (how else could it be?). I would probably live near my family; if not then up north or possibly in another country. I could get a job in military intelligence, or the CIA, but I would really have to exert myself to achieve these goals.
Self-expression in many various forms is important. To voice my emotions through the medium of art is perhaps not a reason for living per se, but it acts as a very important vehicle in reaching my goals for life. Creating art not only lets through what I feel, but it is a device for self-improvement, allowing a contemplation of myself and thus making me see things I perhaps have not seen before, which is the most important thing I can think of. There are also several other things that lead to improving myself, and somehow all of them are intertwined in some peculiar or non-peculiar way. To give an answer not as horribly vast as 'bettering myself' I will have to break it down into sections and ruminate on them. Hmm.. art, studying, other people, experiencing various sides of life, success, fulfilment...finding an all-encompassing balance as far as my life goes.