What kinda girls do you go for?

I don't go for women. I'm fugly and shy, so it means that opportunistic, extroverted women of equivalent (or worse) fugliness go for me. I run away.
I fall for genuinely nice girls. No bullshit attitudes or super-blonde-fashion-addicted-slut. A girl has to be spontaneous, overly possitive and happy for me to fall for her. If she's a headbanger than thats just great, if shes not than thats no problem.

Ya I think I go for those kinda girls too.
There's this bimbo I used to like and she's doing my head in. Her opinions on things are basically gay and she's a massive hypocrite.
You may not want people to be the way you want it to be, you have to accept people as they are. Each person is in a different way, and that's what makes us interesting. I hate people with small mind. You'll never find a woman the way you want, only if you build a robot and program it for him obey your commands. :yow:
Looking Metal might be a Win if the person is already attracted to You.

It's not going to be a game changer if He's not.

As a Man, I would not want to be Woman now, or at any time in History.

Most Men are not worth spending 10 minutes with.

The best thing You, or any Female can do is stay away & pleasure Yourself until the RIGHT Man comes along.

Prepare Yourself for the possibility this will never happen.

This means being finacally self sufficiant as well.

Most Females settle insted of working to get Themselves where They need to be in their lives.

Good Luck to You all!
From Playboy Magazine:

"Masturbation is akin to driving a Ferrari; but only in first gear."


I honestly do not like 95% of American women. They are for the most part uppity cunts. Yes, women are more independent now and that's a good thing. But the problem is they don't do shit with their newfound independence. Women have all of the economic opportunities in the world that men do; but what do they do with this potential? Dick. Why become an independent owner of a business when it is just oh so much easier to take the kids to day care or get ready for the next soccer game?

And do I want to get into a relationship with any of them? No. Not really. Sure, I'd like the sex and the sandwich but do I really want to be emasculated every day? No. Fuck that. And fuck them.

Women in the U.S. exercise their "independence" by breaking men's balls ad infinitum. Bravo girls. Now excuse me while I go jerk off you whiny annoying uninteresting cunt.
Also I'd like to add one more thing.

The whole concept of dating needs to be hair-pull kicked and over-shouldered throwed Double Dragon Style. In the "Roaring 20's" dating was ROARING cuz it was NEW. Now it is a joke on YOU, the man. Why pay for three dinners, 2 motion pictures, and 1 theatrical production when it is just oh so much easier to go down to the corner and get a ding dong breakfast blowjob from Fast Betsy?

Makes no sense. No. Men and women should be having sex like we give high fives. FUCK the power play games. And FUCK the power dynamic. It's tedious and well, boring. Bend her over a bus bench and do her properly.

Women today are like their own goddamn union. Where even the most lazy, worthless, slipshot pussy wiil still get top wages in the marketplace. You show up for that first date and you're like, "Well I really lowered my standards to be here tonight." And then the woman says, "I'm sorry sir. We're part of a union sir. And we are entitled to the contractual minimum of 5 dinners, 4 motion pictures, and 2 theatrical productions. And then you have to meet my cat Hank, and he has to approve of you."

THAT would never work in the free marketplace. Are you fucking kidding me? Women must view prostitutes like scabs crossing the picket line. "Oh no, she can't go and sell it for what it's worth! That would mean we'd all be equal and left to our own faculties! That's the last thing we can afford!"

Fucking cunts.
Prismatic Sphere... you have really been meeting the wrong women.

And I'd much rather run a mega corperation than take the kids to day care, thank you very much. Children are disugsting little creatures.
Women are poison.
Sweet sweet poison, but poison none the less.
Usually if they are interested in me because I play metal I am not interested in at all. Looks Help but a fucking bitch is a bitch, don't care how hot you are if you are a cunt.
Hot women are not only usually too much work; but they usually have fuckall to say. Their over-reliance on their physical beauty is a major hindrance to their character development. AND in my experience, in the bedroom, they usually just fucking lay there.

I am not advocating ugly; but when it comes to girls people and the law of averages, the plainer the better. Guys, find one one of these adorable creatures with something specific to YOU that turns YOU on(something I have deemed the LUST FACTOR).

My best advice.

See, this girl for instance, is pretty plain to mildly cute. But I really want to fuck the hell out of her now for being THIS creative.



See what I mean?
Prismatic Sphere... you have really been meeting the wrong women.

And I'd much rather run a mega corperation than take the kids to day care, thank you very much. Children are disugsting little creatures.

Well you are obviously part of the 5% exception to the rule I was talking about. I salute you miss.

Now fly down to G'Boro and satisfy both of our pleasures and then make me some french toast. ;) :heh:
Once again I agree with you totally,also i've had girlfriends whom I considered hot but as time goes by their bitchy and shallow attitude somehow makes them ugly.I've had conversations with blokes before about this and it appears to be quite a common phenomenon.
Women are poison.
Sweet sweet poison, but poison none the less.
Usually if they are interested in me because I play metal I am not interested in at all. Looks Help but a fucking bitch is a bitch, don't care how hot you are if you are a cunt.

I am a woman, and I'm not interested in you sucker.:grin: