What kinda girls do you go for?

You like metal? I would have never guessed lol. You look great though. Anyways, the first girl I meet that likes black metal and is not scene, emo, poseur punk, or poseur goth, I will go for her lol, well um if she looks good, as in not bad. I havn't met a girl like that ever :'( let alone meeting a guy like that (I mean for a friend, I'm not gay :P). I like the ones that aren't afraid of things like gore, hell I saw a girl trying to kill a bee once and it was really attractive XP But the quiet and cute ones that are into extreme metal like black metal or death metal, hell yes! Poseurs automatically turn me off...
You're really metal. Is that you in the avatar? I think I might be in love (I mean for a friend).
Well some of them are.



Alright, i don't like girls that act like complete ***** and i don't go for girls that listen to pop, hip hop, RNB, trance, rave, hardcore etc etc.
Sure they may look hot, cute, sexy and all but i just hate their personalities and such a thing is what i go for, good personality.

I like to go for the punk/emo/scene & metal/gothic, basically someone with the same taste of music or something along those lines.
Someone i can mosh/headbang with and know what they are doing, someone i can have a nice pint of beer with or be part of a band with.

Looks? Yeah sure i can go for looks, but really looks mean nothing to me. I don't mind what they look like :)
I go for all kinds of girls. I love metal chicks but I have been around long enough to know that just because someone doesn't look all grim and metal doesn't mean that they don't enjoy the music. In the end,that is what matters.
I have dated far more "preppy" looking girls than "metal" looking ones. I don't seek out a specific type. The personality is what matters to me.
I go for all kinds of girls. I love metal chicks but I have been around long enough to know that just because someone doesn't look all grim and metal doesn't mean that they don't enjoy the music. In the end,that is what matters.
I have dated far more "preppy" looking girls than "metal" looking ones. I don't seek out a specific type. The personality is what matters to me.

i thought this was a thread to post pics of girls that look sexy
If its difficult approaching strangers thats kinda understandable but since you prefer that they make the first move an obvious gaze or small conversation starter would improve your chances.