What kinda girls do you go for?

I'm a sucker for petite, pale brunettes. :blush: Glasses are always a plus, too. Aside from looks, I like quirky stoner chicks with a good sense of humor and a lot of loyalty. Can't stand sluts....
hahahhahahahah :D:D epic first we pages :D you don't get trolling like that in 2011, nowadays it's too mainstream and too crap! :D

the topic got boring when people started talking about what the topic is all about :D

but I love how monoxide_child continues on trolling pics with Gothic bbw!!
pure crap :D

Myself, being heterosexual the only girl I'm willing to touch is myself. :)

i bet that half of the people on the intrawebz are willing to touch the same girl!
It always helps if the girl likes the same music as I do... it would be a problem if she's more into techno or something like that... although I have to admit sometimes I'm also listening to pop music ;) So I can cope with this problem. I have no preference in hair color, but I'm more into pale girls with black hair haha*
I tend to go more for metal chicks I suppose, and stay the hell away from the preppy sort because they are usually the most shallow, wretched spawns of this Earth. Sure they can be hot but that's about it really.
The ones without STDs or kids.

the ones with kids are all right as long as they're GROWN UP kids
i've dated several women where their youngest kid was already in their 20's
as long as the kids aren't little children i'm okay with my sex partner having offspring
I am a girl and this thread is shit. I can't believe it took almost 2 years to have a discussion about what metalheads look for in girlfriends. ::rollseyes::
I am a girl and this thread is shit. I can't believe it took almost 2 years to have a discussion about what metalheads look for in girlfriends. ::rollseyes::
the original poster was clearly a troll, and posibly a guy and/or some other user with a second joke account, the second half of this thread was people that didn't read/remember the first half
Actually the OP died of Sperm intoxication I believe...o/o

I've been looking at this forum for a long long time and just recently made an acount. But I'm just wondering what kind of girls metalheads are attracted to. Like I'm a girl, I model but it seems as if metalheads just aren't attracted to me. So do you go for preps or other fellow looking metalheads? assuming they've both got good personalities.

The way you look should have no bearing on it, apart from the initial attraction. Personality and the way you treat others is the way I go. I don't care if you're a metaller or not (it helps of course). It's no good you liking metal and dressing up in the metal style if you're a complete and utter shit!