What language should I study?

well,the decision is in your hand,bro!
but well,to ask for some advice is ok...you know those languages arent that easy to study,but at the point you understand the rules,you will enjoy it I'm sure!
Well,german is good,but a bit hard,I guess,if you chose french,I could help you,spanish is familiar to french so its ok as well...but I dont suggest choosing italien brrr (sorry :err: )
its up to you,dude!!!! :Spin:
I'm sure you'll make the right decision!
Good luck!

edit: cool to see that at least Thomas "voted" for spanish, too. Spanish all the way, dude!

Too bad that I haven't had the opportunity or the motivation to learn spanish.
Well Germans speak English(to a little extend) but the french don't speak shit!? Go figure, try to order food in france speaking English, it won't happen. SO DON*T LEARN FRENCH let those wonderful french people learn a language instead like English. Go with German they are a wholesome people too! Make good cars, the french don't he he will probably take heat for this but YOU KNOW IT IS TRUE!! :OMG:

Still Japanese would kick all of the other languages asses! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
Extendar said:
edit: cool to see that at least Thomas "voted" for spanish, too. Spanish all the way, dude!
Too bad that I haven't had the opportunity or the motivation to learn spanish.
Just wondering: why are you so interested in spanish? :confused: