What made you happy today?

Bloody hell this thread got derailed something viscious 0.0 That sort of talk is bang out of order, immature, and could be offensive to some - that's a pretty bannable thing IMO.

WMMHT: My Blood Alliance Japanese version arrived :)

Yeah, the conversation has been dropped now so no need to worry about it! Just as long as things like that aren't mentioned on here again. Otherwise, I will leave the forum, as I cannot stand to read any of that :(

Awesome on the Japanese CD, though :) Enjoy.
Oh and I've decided to re-dye my hair red again... I had it for over 4 years but decided to dye it black on New Years Eve. Now looking through Facebook photos I've realised how much I miss it. So sometime this week, the red is coming back! Happy about this :)
Rain and a lot of clouds.

I know it sounds depressing, but I love cloudy, dark days more than bright, sunny days. It's easier on the eyes (in my opinion) and I just like to look at clouds, so a really overcast day with rain makes for a beautiful image. I wish it was like this every day, honestly. I just don't like blue skies, it bugs me. :lol:
Food in stomach.

Possible Man United loss against Schalke tonite.

Sorry to smash that dream :lol: Better get some humble pie in that stomach :p

I know it sounds depressing, but I love cloudy, dark days more than bright, sunny days.

Same here dude. I love a dark, ominous skyline. Especially that rare mix of a sunny day filled with thunderous looking clouds. Had a thunderstorm here last night and it was most welcome.
i'll just delete the post before it brings up a discussion again then.

WMMH: Still got about a week off and not a thing that needs to be done!
and cool! be sure to upload those photos here then. Haven't seen that many pro PQ photos. So will be intresting!
Power Quest.

more specifically, the song 'blood alliance'. i knew it was a grower. i just 'got it' today and have had it stuck in my head all day, especially the middle 8 "promise of truth, passed to us all.."
thx steve & guys :)