What made you happy today?

What he said. Oh, yes.

WMYHT: I took part in a contest by a metal webzine and was one of the winners! They gave away Sabaton CDs together with Nuclear Blast, and the winners could supposedly pick one of their Re-Armed CDs. I mailed them my preference, but I got the package today, and it turns out I got ALL of their re-issues. So now I have them all, except their latest!
Nice one, that's an awesomely pleasant surprise!

WMMH: Went to see Thor at Cinema last night and it was most enjoyable, a few bits of great humour too! And off to Pub Quiz tonight with friends.
Just about done with school for the semester. Got a recital tomorrow, feeling confident, playing a simple Beethoven sonata. Woo!
So thor worth seeing? me and some friends were thinking of go see either thor or pirates of the caribbean the new
WMMH: I couldn't give a rat's arse about the royal wedding or even about the royal family in general, but on the bright side I should be getting double pay tomorrow and the shop will hopefully be dead while the wedding actually takes place. I might actually get some work done.

Also the new Uriah Heep album rocks seriously hard (listening to it as I type this).

And while we're talking football, the RM vs Barca match was f**king dreadful. The 22 best footballers in the world acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. The ref should have just sent them all off for being utter prats and have done with it.
Having an ace night at Kamelot and hanging out with the guys from Amaranthe.


WMMH: I couldn't give a rat's arse about the royal wedding or even about the royal family in general, but on the bright side I should be getting double pay tomorrow and the shop will hopefully be dead while the wedding actually takes place. I might actually get some work done.

Also the new Uriah Heep album rocks seriously hard (listening to it as I type this).

And while we're talking football, the RM vs Barca match was f**king dreadful. The 22 best footballers in the world acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. The ref should have just sent them all off for being utter prats and have done with it.

In regards to the Football, agree 100%. Admittedly I only saw the last 10 minutes of the first half due to being out and then watching all the second half but it was definitely enough to consider it a terrible advert for Football in general and a disgrace.

El Classico my arse!

WMMH: Good night at Pub Quiz again last night and looking forward to just having a great chill out throughout today.
Liked it!

WMMH: Woke up to find my book of Bach inventions and sinfonias has arrived. Time to get cracking!