What made you happy today?


I think the recording quality gave me a poor first impression of Marc's singing, but the chorus at the end he seemed to sound really good with the band.
Hm. Seems like an alright lad, lacks a bit of stage presence but his actual singing while not terrible doesn't have any power and he struggles with the high notes. Comes across strained and constricted. Just my two pennies, look forward to hearing him on CD.
Agreeing with Dom. When I saw his audition video I was wary of how he'd handle high notes and so far from the videos he hasn't impressed me much.

Then again, the video of him on the website shows us one hell of a power metal scream, so I should reserve judgment for the CD. The guy's got some pretty big shoes to fill, and it doesn't seem like he's ever sung in a band before (at least, not a big band). Maybe nerves got him for his first show with DF, who knows. Either way, the video of the new song Cry Thunder was pretty interesting - sounded very Celtic, and not like Dragonforce at all, but the tune's stuck in my head! If the band keeps branching out like that I think I'll quite like the new album.

So all in all, congrats to Marc on a successful first gig with the Force! I think a lot of people have already warmed up to him and welcomed him as the new frontman, and hopefully the new album can turn around those who think otherwise.
Wow, those videos were horrible. He sucks as I predicted and is showing all the problems in these live recordings that I mentioned when he first auditioned.

Even ZP sounded better than that with his vocals going to shit.

Nice to see they have to de-tune again to accommodate another live singer.

It makes me happy to see this as a reality, lol.
Wow, why does it make you happy? That's an awful thing to say.

ZP certainly didn't sound better - even if Marc does sound a little weak on the high notes, those songs weren't tailored for his voice, so I'm giving him some leniency there. After all, there are some really high notes, especially in Fury of the Storm. That song takes a lot of stamina and strength to sing properly. I don't think ZP sounded better at all, he threw his voice out the window on his final tour, giving those blood-curdling screams at the start of Fury of the Storm and just not taking care of his voice in general. The live album proves that - they didn't even have enough good moments to mask his bad parts on a recorded album that they could have overdubbed.

Not to mention that at least Marc is putting strength into those high notes, whereas ZP's high notes were just shy of a whisper trying to hit them.

I have faith in Marc. I want to hear more of the songs written for his voice before I toss him aside.
Because I do not like Marc personally for his singing, attitude, and personality, and I got some sad news from a dear friend this morning and I'm taking out my anger and frustration on that jerk.

Marc sounded weak on the entire vocals in all those live videos and horrible on the high notes.

I'd take Fabio singing for DF over him and you know how much I care for that guy lol.

Herman is just going to have to use studio magic on Marc's voice like he did for that demo clip on the website, no worries. ;)
Well, that's fine and all, but I personally see no excuse for having such unwavering vitriol towards a guy with whom you have no personal relationship and is giving it all he's got... And how do you know his attitude and personality? Seems like you know Tolkki, now you know Marc Hudson, a virtual unknown until he landed this gig...
Well, that's fine and all, but I personally see no excuse for having such unwavering vitriol towards a guy with whom you have no personal relationship and is giving it all he's got... And how do you know his attitude and personality? Seems like you know Tolkki, now you know Marc Hudson, a virtual unknown until he landed this gig...
Oh Mikey, perhaps you did not read the posts to the "DragonForce singer..." topic from back some months, or maybe you just did not pay attention?

I do not know him personally nor am I implying that I do, you should pay closer attention to details and read people's posts a little closer.

I am judging his personality and attitude off of all the comments he was posting on his youtube channel for his audition where he was berating and bad mouthing the other auditioners as well as people leaving criticism on his singing. Seems he can't take constructive criticism and advice like your buddy Malik. ;)

Perhaps you never read the comments from him, but I did and so did a few other PQ forum members and we were not amused how he reacted.
Can't say I've read any posts on the DF forum for months, seeing as how they gave me the boot. Don't recall a thing, honestly. :lol:

I simply assumed you knew him personally since you judged him by his attitude and personality and I had never seen any activity from him whatsoever apart from the audition vid. My apologies! At least Marc got the gig and not Malik :lol:
Can't say I've read any posts on the DF forum for months, seeing as how they gave me the boot. Don't recall a thing, honestly. :lol:

I simply assumed you knew him personally since you judged him by his attitude and personality and I had never seen any activity from him whatsoever apart from the audition vid. My apologies! At least Marc got the gig and not Malik :lol:

Ah it's ok, apology accepted. :)

I will agree with you though that better Marc than Malik!! :lol: :D

Oh, and there's nothing worth remembering over there these days anyways, trust me.
There are still some videos up on YouTube; I know specifically of one of Marc singing Heroes of Our Time and another of the new song Cry Thunder.