What made you happy today?

How's the set for Blind Guardian look over in Europe these days? Only ever seen them once, on their last US tour, and they played a lot more older material than I expected. Not complaining, I think their old stuff is their best stuff, but I'm curious to see if they play more recent stuff in Europe due to the demand for them over there.

Here's some recent European date setlists. The gig I saw them had an awesome one too.
Also, WMMH: I'm probably the only person here who plays it, at least concerning USA users, but I'm getting closer and closer to having a well-geared character in World of Warcraft - just bought my first piece of high-level gear! :lol:

Watch out with World of Warcrack dude. I live with a surviving WoW addict/fanatic and it can get ugly!

:lol: I've been playing for a few years, it's getting a bit serious now, haha! Keeping it in check though, it's all good ;)
Same, Kingface! Celebrated a friend's 30th (meanwhile constantly reminding him of his new age bracket). Feeling a little rough around the edges still...too much party, not enough sleep.
nice work mate! Whereabouts are you based now?

Cheers dude! Will be based just a few doors up from where I currently live, hahaha! It'll be the first time I've ever moved on foot. :lol:

can we come and visit Andiferum ? :p
Congrats !

Sure :p

Congrats Andi! Wish I lived in London!

Cheers mate. London's an awesome place to live, but so damn expensive. Let's hope it all pays off when I graduate next summer ;)
In Football (Soccer), congratulations to England, Montenegro and Wales for their achievements tonight. I'm also looking forward to the weekend, where among plenty of other fun things I hope, I'll be seeing Lee Evans in Sheffield tomorrow night with my Brother and Sister-in-Law.