What made you happy today?


Thanks hon. :)
Gotta say hearing that new Alestorm song 'Shipwrecked' put a smile on my face :lol: I just wonder how long they can keep up the pirate gimmick...
I think it'll be an awesome album. Will get the digipack for this one, even though i hate digipacks...wont fit in the CD stand...grr

I personally liked rum. Had tons of energy:D
Heard "Rum" live and thought it was the kind of song thrown to gether whilst pissed on that same grog. Still it's a fun little sea chanty :) Will keep an eye out for the new album

WMMHT: The return of the Powercast/Podquest!
new power quest album arriving, holy shit so excited. wont contribute to "pictures of you with new power quest album" as i had a pretty metal night last night. woah
Enjoy the album fraserwatt! And Kingface, they put on a hell of show if you haven't seen them before - have a blast!
It'd just be worth it to watch Simone :P Just watching her would make any heterosexual man happy :P

Are they playing together with ReVamp? I've been needing to see Floor's new project.
Epica and ReVamp were absolutely fucking brilliant last night! Although I knew it was gonna be at least pretty good, didn't realise it was gonna be THAT good! I also fell in love...twice, LOL.

Got Floor Jansen to sign my ticket as well, which I'm pretty chuffed about!

I don't think you'll be disappointed Andi!