What made you sad today?

I missed my coach going to Coventry this evening as there was a slight cock-up with the bus stops. But the good news is, I'll be getting picked up in the morning and will be taken to Sheffield for Iron Maiden, so that's good news!
Awful news about the nutcase in Norway. The vitriol, the irrational fear and hatred polarising people these days is enough to make me sad every day. Shooting a congresswoman in the head, shooting innocent soldiers at Fort Hood, mowing down defenceless teenagers at a camp...it's sickening to keep hearing these stories on the news.

Steve might have said it best, "Is this what we call being civilised?"
There was stormy weather here Sunday morning. A family well-known in the area was taking off in their private plane to leave for Florida. Only a couple minutes after taking off, a severe gust of wind took control of the plane and smashed it through some power lines - the plane blew up in flames and crashed to the ground. The mother, father, and their youngest daughter were on the plane and all died. Their oldest daughter is the only remaining member of the family and she's up in Chicago. I can't imagine what she's feeling right now.

Such sad news lately, all over the world. :(
Cronopio, hope you get better soon! Illness like that sure is annoying!

1928, wow, that's awful. Indeed there is so many horrific things happening recently in so many different parts of the world.
News I received from a good friend early this morning, just when you think things are going great for someone.., keep your head up and your heart full, you know who you are. :)
Had to withdraw from university. Feeling pretty miserable.
Damn Mr Johnson that's sad to hear :( Heart goes out to you. Uni is a valuable life experience it's a damned shame the economy of things at the moment is preventing eager, studious people from bettering themselves. But I know you won't give up hope, sir, fight the good fight!
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the kind words. Yeah, Steve, I'm all right... It's all due to finances; I exhausted every possible option to try to afford school and I was, amazingly, denied at every single opportunity. The biggest disappointment is that going to school would've meant I'd be living in the same town as my girlfriend, and we've been living an hour apart for almost 2 years. Couple that with the fact she's studying abroad somewhere at the start of 2012 means we're going to continue living apart for at least another year. Sigh. What can you do...
Know the pain dude, me and my girlfriend have been living apart for nearly 2 years in different countries and it sucks. Like you, trying to find a job over with her. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us eh!