What made you sad today?

Everyone else here was calling it genius, I honestly think our third was a bit scrappy. But it was a fantastic game of football to watch either way. Well played.

How was it scrappy? Theo doing what he does best, the Sweden Defence couldn't handle it and Wellbeck's finish was class. Obviously he needed some luck for it to go in but you don't not intend to make contact with the Ball Goal-wards in a situation like that.
I dunno, it seemed to me more like he was just trying to get any contact with it he could in a bit of desparation, it was a great strike and a good finish, but it seemed a bit spur-of-the-moment :p

However, I have about as much knowledge of football as your average rodent, so that could just be me!
I've since heard comments from some of the Sweden players, saying they definitely played better than England.

There seems to be a growing trend of more "Direct" Football being criticised, especially by Teams who lose to a Team that plays that way, much like how Chelsea got criticism for the way they played against Barcelona and Bayern Munich to win the Champions League, and the continued spat between Arsenal (Wenger) and Stoke (Pulis).

I don't get it. Football is about scoring more Goals than the opposite Team and finding a way to do it. The way you do it is just a means to an end. A more direct style of Football is just as legitimate as passing the Ball to Death ala Barcelona and Spain, which quite frankly I often find tedious and is not without its weaknesses either.

The latter can work great if you have the right players and successfully control the Game and take the chances when they come, but go a Goal Behind? I've noticed more than once that when Spain or Barcelona go a Goal or more behind, if they don't peg it back within 10-15 minutes, they start running out of ideas and actually get worse as the game goes on.

If there's one team I don't want to win Euro 2012, it's Spain. If not England, I want a team with a more direct and enjoyable to watch approach to win it and if they win the Final with hardly any possession, all the more better!
Well, Sweden played well, but in the end the result is what counts. I'm kinda bummed out, obviously, but then again, you need to keep things in perspective. Those England goals were class, and I'm glad I'm not Isaksson today. Easily the weakest link yesterday.

From now on, I'll cheer for my other country, Germany!
Well, Sweden played well, but in the end the result is what counts. I'm kinda bummed out, obviously, but then again, you need to keep things in perspective. Those England goals were class, and I'm glad I'm not Isaksson today. Easily the weakest link yesterday.

From now on, I'll cheer for my other country, Germany!

Good point, I did mean to say in my original post that Sweden played well too and it could have gone either way, but I think I eventually got lost in ranting about Spain/Barcelona! :lol:

Germany are a great side and my favourites to win Euro 2012 and that was my opinion before I was lucky enough to draw them in my Work's Sweepstake!
He looks as though he should be in Manowar!!


Zlatan certainly comes across as a bit of a character to say the least. I wonder what he was saying to Hart when they scored the equaliser.

He's actually quite lazy sometimes but his quality when he steps up to the plate, plus his Goal-Scoring records speak for themselves.

And Nikki, sorry to hear you're not well. :( Get well soon!
Hope you get over it Mike! I'm just now getting over my week-long-and-then-some cold that turned into triple infections!
Got a phone call from my mum today telling me that my Grandad has been sent to hospital to have a operation on his heart. He has COPD (Disease on the lungs), it cannot be cured. Had a recent update that he has been sent to a hospital in London.

I just want him to be okay :(